photo Flashcards
That one quote
” Photography is an art of observation. It has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them”
Why are Crime scenes photos important
It gives us an Overall view of the scene
“One picture is worth a ___ words.”
Crime Scene Photography Kit
Single lens reflex camera
Normal lens
Close up
Wide angle lens
Electronic flash
Scale or tape measure
Photo log Notebook and pen
Most crime scene photographers use high-quality digital cameras or 35mm cameras.
Normal lens
A normal lens provides the best perspective for most photographs. A 50 mm lens is considered a normal lens for a 35mm camera.
Why 50mm?
is closest to the depiction of the human eye
Close up
Close-up lens or close accessories. Not normal lenses do not focus closer than about three feet.
Wide angle lens
A wide angles lens is needed when photographing small rooms or other space–considered areas
Electronic flash
Electrino flash provides additional light that is often needed when photographing indoors, outdoors at night, filling in shadows in bright daylight scenes, and for lighting evidence.
Tripod are necessary to steady the camera for long exposures and for positioning the camera during certain types of evidenc photography
4’6’’ you want the tripod at
Scale or tape measure
A variety of scales, including 6-inch and 36-inch sizes, must be available for photographing different types of subjects. Long tape measure with large number are sometimes necessary when photographing large items of evidence or large areas in a crime scene
Photo log Notebook and pen
A photo log is necessary for recording information about each photograph taken at a crime scene a not book is valuable for recording other notes during ht investigation. Very describive
Photos provided a true
and accurate portrayal of the crime scene and the physical evidence
Photos Records the
initial state of the scene before evidence is removed for processing before any alternations are made
Photograph are
immmegdaitle y at scene and evidence is accurately permanently represent
Steps to photogrpahy
- Secure the scene
2.Evalute the coniditions - Photgraphing the scene(without the numbers because it shows what u saw when u got there/ number blocks things/you altered the crime scence w the numbers)
4.Photograph the victim
5.Photograph critial victims later
6.Capture the evidence
7.Evidence markers
8.Reshoot for new evidence
9.IMaging and lighting techniques
10.Be quick in photography
First photo taken at the crime scence:
Card that says
Case#Photo taken by
Crime scene photographing
Must have a logbook
Photo logs should reflect the following:
-Investagitor taking photo
-When)Date and time)
Subject(what are we photographing)
DBrief description
Say why you took the photo
How many photos
As many as you need to represent the entire scene accurately
As much as you can; more is better
Crime science video taping
Video taping accurately depicts the crime scnce
Cost effective
Move slowely
Make sure the osund is off
No need for a narrative