Mid-Term Flashcards
Upheld the state of New Yorks preventive detention statue for juvniles
Schell v. Martin
On a cultural level, youths are encourgaed to join gangs during periods of social, ecomic and cultural turmoil. On an individual level, gang membership has appleal to adolescents who are alienated form the mainstream of society.
Anomie/ Alienation View
In 1824, this “home away from home” was the first insitituion in the US designed to house poor, destitue and vagrant youth, who were deemed by authoires to be on the path towards delinquency
The New york House of Refuge, 1824
GREAT is an acronym for this
Gang Resistance Education And Training
This framed German American developmentsl psychologist believed that juvniles struggly between Ego Identity and Role Diffusion
Erik Erickson
Considered a true alternative to incarceration for juvniles “jIPS” stands for this
Juvnile Intensive Probation
This Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Youth closed that states juvnile insititions in 1972 and placed the youths in communtiy programs with the help of UMASS students
Jereome Miller
The belief that gender differnces in delinquency rates can be explained by the fact that female criminaltiy is cometimes overlooked of firgiven by mals working in the justice systems
Chivarly Hypothesis
Ended life sentences without the possibiliy of parole for juvniles convicted in non-homocide
Graham v. Florida
Ended the pratuce of the death penatly for juvniles in the united states
Roper v. SImmons
Youth gangs form due to destructive socialculturals forces in disorganized areas: Its a naturla response for those whose life goals cannot be achieved through legitmate means
Social disorgazntion Social Cultural View
Youth with antisocial personaly defect are the most liekily group to gangs. Personal probloems and deflicts, such as low self-esteem. poor impluse control, and limited life skills
The Psychological View
These are the 4 dcategoires of famioly dysfunction that tend to promote delinquency behavior
- Spousal Conflict/Breakup
- Interpersonal Conflict
- Ineffective/ Incomptent parents
- Deviant Parents
This is the sentecing of the juvnile jsutice process
There is no one single source or cuase of crime and delinquency; they are tooted in a deverse set of causl
factors. The dabate usally come down to this
Nature v Nurture
He is consisdered the “Father of Classical School of Crimionlogly
Cesar Beccaria
Between 1854 to 1929, these were used by the Childrens Aid Societ to move approximatley 200,000 children from cities like New York and Boston to the American West in order to work on farms
Orphan Trains
A conidition that occurs when parents have such large families that their resources, such as time and money are spread too thin causing lack of familail support
Reasouce Dilution
This Act establised the nations first independt juvnile court
Illions Juvnile Court act of 1899
Gang membership and this drug are believed to have the spike in juvnile and violent crieme from the late 1980s through the mid 1990s
Crack Cocaine
Suggests that gangs appeal to teens who are longing for the tribal sources that sustained their ancestors, with gang rituals that help the child bridge the gap between childhood and adulthood
Anthropoloical View
The term used to descirbe the age at which youths begin their delinquenct carrers; an early start is believed to be linked with chronic offending pattersis
Age of onset
School Administors need the lesser requirement of “resonable susppicion to conduct searches in schools
This case gave juvniles the same due process right as afforded to adults in criminal proccedings
Re Gault 1967
This docment \/rpcess transfers the legal jursidation over the most serious juvnile offenders form juvnile court to the adult court for criminal prosection