CPR Flashcards
Cardiac Arrest is when
oxgyen doesnt reach the human body
Child are more likeily to get
Secondary Cardiac Arrest
Infant is how many years of age
1 Year of age
Adult Chest Compressions
Use 2 Hands
2 Inches or deeper
Children Chest Compressions
Use one hand
1/3 or about 2 inches
Infant Chest Compressions
Use 2 fingers
1/3 of the way down
What do you do when someone is not breathing but has a heart beat
Compression 30
2 resure Breaths
What do you do when someone is not breathing but has a heart beat
Compression 30
2 resure Breaths
Before Schocking the patient you must?
Make sure the area is clear and no one is around the victim or touching them
Steps to CPR
-Activate EMS or an occuptional emergency action plan (EAP)
-Check if the scence is safe and eneter if so
Ask the responisve person for permission before giving care
-never attempt skills that exceed your training
-Dont stop until someone with equal or greater training relieves you,too tired, they started breathign or there okay
Dont stop until…
someone with equal or greater training relieves you,too tired, they started breathign or there okay
Emergency Medical Services
is a prehosptial emgerncy medical response system developed within the communtiy
What does EMS do?
-Respond directly to emgercent scecnes
-Provide advanced medical care
-Transport ill or injured people to a hostipal
(Call 911 to activite)
Sedondary Cardic Arrest
Harardous breathing coinditions in a confined space, drowning and drug overdosed can result in secondary cardiac arresr
Opioid Overdose
Opioids taken in excess can, can depress and stop breathing
-Give them Nalone to reverse the effects of opioid
Chain of survival
Prevention of emgerencies Early CPR with rescue breaths Prompt EMS activation Effective EMS care Effective post arrest care
CPR and AED provider
Are trained to do the following
- Recoginze cardaic arrest
- Provide apporpriate first aid care
- Make a decision to help
- Activite EMS
- Effectively perform high quailty CPR and AED
Implied Conset
Assumes an unresponsive person would agree to be helped given the circustances
Abandoment (Legal Stuff)
- Remain with the person until someoen with euqla or greater emergency medical training take over
- If alone, go get help
- Return to the perosn as soon as possible
Sudden Cardic Arrest
Sudden Cardic Arrest can happen with little or no warning
-Disruption to the hearts electrial system
Early Defibration
The most effection way to end fibrillation is defibrillatipm
-Shock is sent to the heart to stop ventrvular fibrillation. allowing it to go back to normal
Personal Safetly
- Pause
- Look for harzards
- Consider hidden dangers
- If not safe, dont go in
- If it become unsafe , get out