Phonetics- Ch 4 Flashcards
Phonemes that are produced without any appreciable constriction or blockage of air flow in the vocal tract
Tongue height
How high or low in the oral cavity the tongue is when producing a particular vowel
Tongue advancement
How far forward or backward in the mouth the tongue is when producing a particular vowel
Vowel quadrilateral
Two dimensional figure representing tongue height and tongue advancement that displays the relative position of the tongue during vowel production
Rounded lip position during vowel production
Spread or retracted lip position during vowel production
Description of a vowel produced with an increased muscular effort; can be located in the final position of an open monosyllable; generally longer in duration
Vowel produced with a reduction in muscular effort; does not appear in the final position of an open monosyllable
One vowel sound; vowel phoneme consisting of one distinct articulatory element
Vowel sounds that have two distinct articulatory positions; the first is termed the onglide and the second is the offglide
First element in a diphthong
Second element of a diphthong; produced at a higher position in the oral cavity than the onglide
Point vowels
One of four extreme corner vowels of the quadrilateral
/i/ as in keep High Front Unrounded Tense
/ɪ/ as in hit High (lower than /i/) Front Unrounded Lax
R-colored vowel or rhotic diphthong
Speech sound consisting of the two elements: vowel + /r/ ; for example hear and ear
Production of a phoneme with an /r/ auditory quality
/e/ as in rebate High-mid Front Unrounded Tense Syllable that contain the vowel do not receive primary stress
/eɪ/ as in state Allophone of /e/ High-mid Front Unrounded Tense Syllables are stressed or at end of a word
/ɛ/ as in led Low-mid Front Unrounded Lax
/æ/ as in mat Low Front Unrounded Lax
/u/ as in toot High Back Rounded Tense
/ʊ/ as in look Upsilon High Back Rounded Lax
/o/ as in obese High mid Back Rounded Tense Syllables that contain a vowel that are not stressed
/oʊ/ as in vote High mid Back Rounded Tense Syllables that are stressed or at the end of a word
/ɔ/ as in dawn Low mid Back Rounded Tense
/ɑ/ as in not Low Back Unrounded Tense
/ə/ as in alone Schwa Mid Central Unrounded Lax Unstressed syllables
/ʌ/ as in but Caret Low mid Back central Unrounded Lax Stressed syllables Does not end words
/ɚ/ as in perhaps Schwar Mid Central Rounded Lax Unstressed syllable
/ɚ/ as in perhaps Schwar Mid Central Rounded Lax Unstressed syllables
/ɝ/ as in heard Retroflex Mid Central Rounded Tense Stressed syllables
/aɪ/ as in buy
/ɔɪ/ as in toy
/aʊ/ as in sour
Vibration of the vocal folds in creation of a voiced sound