Maria avoids going to the supermarket because she feels extremely anxious when she’s outside her home. What type of phobia is this?
A) Social Phobia
B) Specific Phobia
C) Agoraphobia
D) Hemophobia
Answer: C. Agoraphobia is the fear of being outside the home or in open spaces like marketplaces.
John refuses to attend company meetings because he fears being asked to speak in front of his colleagues. What type of phobia does John have?
A) Social Phobia
B) Specific Phobia
C) Agoraphobia
D) Acrophobia
Answer: A. Social Phobia involves the fear of public performance or interaction with others in social settings.
A child becomes extremely distressed when seeing a picture of a snake, even though the snake is not real. What type of specific phobia is this?
A) Animal Type
B) Natural Environment Type
C) Situational Type
D) Blood-Injection Type
Answer: A. Animal Type phobia includes the fear of animals, insects, or even bacteria.
Mark faints every time he sees blood during medical procedures. What type of specific phobia does he have?
A) Animal Type
B) Natural Environment Type
C) Situational Type
D) Blood-Injection Type
Answer: D. Blood-Injection Type phobia involves an intense fear of blood, injections, or medical procedures.
A patient with claustrophobia is gradually exposed to confined spaces, starting with pictures, then videos, and finally short exposures to small rooms. What type of therapy is being used?
A) Flooding
B) Cognitive Therapy
C) Systematic Desensitization
D) Aversion Therapy
Answer: C. Systematic Desensitization is a gradual exposure approach, progressing through different levels while teaching relaxation techniques.
A patient with ophidiophobia is placed in a room with a snake until their anxiety naturally decreases. What type of treatment is this?
A) Systematic Desensitization
B) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
C) Flooding
D) Aversion Therapy
Answer: C. Flooding involves rapid exposure to the phobic object until the fear subsides, aiming for quick treatment in 1 to 2 sessions.
A person with aerophobia (fear of flying) is first shown pictures of airplanes, then videos, followed by a virtual reality flight simulation. What type of therapy is being applied?
A) Systematic Desensitization
B) Flooding
C) Psychoanalysis
D) Group Therapy
Answer: A. Systematic Desensitization involves gradual exposure to the phobic stimulus while teaching relaxation techniques at each stage.