How does an argument become INVALID?
- Anomalous
- Not following logical order
What is the MINOR TERM?
Subject in the conclusion, found before the predicate
What is the Symbol of Minor term?
WHat is the middle term?
Appear in the Premise but not the conclusion
What is the symbol of middle term?
WHat is the major term?
Predicate found in the conclusion
WHat is the symbol of Major term?
WHat is the rationale behind two fallacies?
Two parts of an agument is matter and form
Matter- content
Form- structure
two types of fallacy?
structural fallacies
Fallacies of content
What are the eight rules in categorical syllogism
Fallacy of:
1) Four terms
2) Illicit Major/Minor
3) Misplaced middle term
4) Undistributed middle term
5) A negative conclusion
6) Two negative premises
7) Double particular premises
8) Stronger conclusion than the premises
What is the fallacy of four terms
Three terms only
1 term can be expressed in different meanings, true or false?
Love is blind
god is love
Therefore, god is blind
What fallacy can be seen here?
Fallacy of four terms
What is the rule in Fallacy of Illicit minor/ major?
No term may have a greater extension in the conclusion than in the premise
Mu + Pp
Sp - Mu
Sp - Pu
What fallacy is stated?
Fallacy of Illicit Major/ minor
WHat is the rule of Fallacy of Misplaced Middle term ?
The middle term must not appear in the conclusion
WHat is the rule in undistributed term?
The middle term must be universal atleast once
All congressmen are legislators
All senators are legislators
Therefore, All senators are congressmen
What fallacy is present ?
Fallacy of undistributed middle
What is the rule in fallacy of a negative conclusion?
If both premises are affirmative the conclusion cannot be negative
WHat is the rule of the fallacy of two negative premises?
No conclusion can be drawn from two negative premises
Mu - Pp
Mp - Sp
What fallacy is stated?
Fallacy of two negative premises