Pharynx Flashcards
Where does the pharynx extend?
skull base to inf border of cricoid cartilage (C6)
What lies post to inf concha and serves as a connection between pharynx and middle ear?
Eustachian tube orifice
What makes up the nasopharynx?
Pharyngeal tonsil, pharyngeal recess, auditory tube, salgpingopharyngeal fold, torus tuberius
What are the boundaries of the oropharynx?
soft palate = superior
epiglottis = inf
Which arches does the oropharynx pass through?
palatoglossal arch and palatopharyngeal arch
What makes up the oropharynx?
palatoglossal arch, palatopharyngeal arch, palatine tonsil, vallecula, lingual tonsils
What routes air and food into the trachea and esophagus?
What are the functions of the larynx?
phonation, regulate size of opening between vocal folds, prevent foreign bodies from entering airway, act as sphincter
What are the boundaries of the laryngopharynx?
epiglottis and C6
What structures lie in laryngopharynx?
epiglottis, laryngeal cartilages, piriform recess, internal laryngeal n, sup laryngeal vessels, recurrent laryngeal n, inf laryngeal vessels
Which sphincter prevents food from coming back up?
superior esophageal sphinchter
Where does the sup pharyngeal constrictor m arise from?
pterygomandibular raphe and medial pterygoid plate of mandible
Where does middle pharyngeal constrictor m arise?
greater horn of hyoid bone and inf portion of stylohyoid ligament
What passes between sup and middle constrictor mm?
stylohyoid ligament, stylopharyngeus m and CN IX
Where does inf pharyngeal constrictor m arise?
thyroid and cricoid cartilages
What passes between middle and inf constrictor mm?
internal laryngeal n, sup laryngeal a
What are the pharyngeal mm?
stylopharyngeus, palatopharyngeus, stylopharyngeus, salpingopharyngeus mm
Which n supplies motor to pharyngeal mm?
CN X, except stylopharyngeus
Which n supplies motor to stylophargneus m and sensory to pharynx?
What forms the pharyngeal plexus?
pharyngeal branch of CN X, branch of external laryngeal n, pharyngeal branches of CN IX (some CN V2)
What innervates the nasopharynx?
sensory by V2
What innervates the oropharynx?
sensory by CN IX
What innervates the laryngopharynx?
sensory by CN X
What arteries supply the pharynx?
mainly by ascending pharyngeal and sup thyroid aa also from branches of facial and maxillary aa
What supplies the palatine tonsils?
ultimately branch of ECA
What is the venous drainage of the pharynx?
from pharynx to pterygoid plexus in infra temporal fossa into facial and IJV
What happens when lose motor nn to pharynx?
marked dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
What causes loss of gag reflex?
loss of sensory nn to pharynx, won’t know if choking
What are pharyngeal tonsils referred to when enlarged?
what do the pharyngeal tonsils consist of?
lymphoid tissue in roof of nasopharynx
What occurs to air flow when have large adenoids?
obstructs air exchange between nasopharynx and middle ear and from nose to nasopharynx, mouth breath, impinges upon torus turbarius and auditory tube orifice
Where do accidentally swallowed objects become trapped?
piriform recess
What is stimulated to induce chocking sensation and severe coughing?
int and recurrent laryngeal nn