Parotid, Temporal and TMJ Flashcards
Structures passing through parotid gland
External carotid a, retromandibular v, facial n
What is the tough capsule surrounding the parotid gland derived from?
investing layer of deep cervical fascia
What two veins from the retromandibular v?
superficial temporal and maxillary vv
What 2 branches does the ECA split into?
superficial temporal and maxillary a
What innervates all mm of facial expression?
facial n
Contents of temporal fossa
temporal fat pad, temporalis m, masseter m, neurovasculature
mandibular division of trigeminal n branches
anterior: masseteric, deep temporal, buccal, lateral pterygoid nn
Posterior: auriculotemporal n, lingual and inferior alveolar na
muscular branches: medial pterygoid, tensor veli palatini, tensor tympani
meningeal branch
What does auriculotemporal n travel with?
superficial temporal a and v
What provides sensory innervation to TMJ and lateral scalp?
auriculotemporal n
What carries parasympathetic fibers from CN IX into parotid gland?
auriculotemporal n
Which n passes sup to lat pterygoid m and deep to temporalis m?
ant and post deep temporal nn
Borders of Infratemporal fossa
lateral - ramus of mand
medial - lateral pterygoid plate
ant -maxilla
post - tympanic plate, mastoid and styloid processes
roof - int surface of greater wing of sphenoid, temporal bone
Where does the infra temporal fossa end?
where medial pterygoid m attaches to mandible
What type of innervation is the ant branch of V3?
mainly motor (small), 1 sensory branch (buccal n)
What type of innervation is the post branch of V3?
mainly sensory (larger), 1 motor (mylohyoid n)
What does chorda tympani supply?
parasympathetics to lower 2 salivary glands, joins lingual n and carries taste fibers to ant 2/3 of tongue
What are the actions of the TMJ?
hinge and gliding actions
What are the movements of TMJ?
- protrusion by lat and med pterygoids
- retraction (post fibers of temporalis, deep part of masseter and geniohyoid and digastric mm)
- elevation (temporalis, masseter, med pterygoid)
- depression (gravity, digastric, geniohyoid and mylohyoid mm)
Accessory ligaments of TMJ
stylomandibular and sphenomandibular ligaments
Where does the stylomandibular ligament extend?
styloid process to post border of mandibular ramus
Where does sphenomandibular ligament extend?
spine of sphenoid bone to lingual of mandible
What does stylomandibular ligament separate?
parotid and submandibular glands
What is separates sphenomandibular ligament from capsule?`
maxillary a and auriculotemporal n
What does the masticator space include?
infra temporal space, temporal space, masseteric space and pterygomandibular space
What are the arteries of the temporal fossa?
middle temporal a, superficial temporal and deep temporal aa
What are the contents of the infra temporal fossa?
temporalis, medial and lateral pterygoid mm, maxillary a and v and brs, pterygoid venous plexus, V3, V2, chorda tympani of CN VII, otic ganglion, and lesser petrosal n
Where does the temporal fossa continue into?
infra temporal fossa
Why is the TMJ concavoconvex?
to fit articular tubercle and mandibular fossa