Pharmacology of IBS, Anti-Diarrheals, And Laxatives (Quiz 4) Flashcards
irritable bowel syndrome affects what part of the body
- large intestine
what involves uncoordinated spasming of the colon
MOA of Dicyclomine and Hyocycamine
- M3 anticholinergics
- inhibit GI tract smooth muscle contractions
- reduce motility
what is the sympathetic receptor that causes GI tract SM relaxation
- Beta 2
toxicities of Dicyclomine and Hyocycamine
- anti-parasympathetic effects
- blurred vision
- xerostoma (dry mouth)
you use Eluxadoline, Alosetron, and Rifamixin with what type of IBS
- IBS with diarrhea
EAR drugs
MOA of Eluxadoline
- activates mu opioid receptors on neurons in myenteric plexus
- inhibits GI smooth muscle contraction
oral bioavailability of Eluxadoline
- poor
- effects limited to just GI tract
toxicities of Eluxadoline
- constipation
MOA of Alosetron
- inhibits serotonin signaling from ECL cells in lumen to the myenteric plexus
- reduce GI motility
which gender do we use Alosetron
- women
is Alosetron approved as an anti-emetic
- no
toxicity of Alosetron
- ischemic colitis
MOA of rifamixin
- RNA polymerase inhibitor
- reduces effects of gut flora that cause diarrhea
MOA of Desipramine
- anticholingeric effect
- slows GI transit
toxicities of Desipramine
- blurred vision
- xerostoma
- prolonged - QT
- urinary retention
the antidepressants Citalopram, Duloxetine, and Desipriamine as used to treat IBS why?
- treat pain/psych symptoms of IBS
Anti-depressants of DCD for IBS-D
MOA of Citalopram, Duloxetine
- may improve mood
Bismuth Subsalicylate treats what condition
- anti-diarrheal
Loperamide and Diphenoxylate treats what condition
- anti-diarrheal
Cholestyramine treats what condition
- anti-diarrheal
Bismuth Subsalicylate MOA
- anti-inflammatory
- COX 1/2 inhibitor
- antibacterial
what is the toxic effect of prolonged use of Bismuth Subsalicylate
what compound
- neurotoxic
- bismuth oxychloride
drug interactions of Bismuth Subsalicylate
- anything containing aspirin
MOA of Loperamide and Diphenoxylate
- activate mu opioid receptor on neurons in myenteric plexus
- reduce GI motility
Loperamide toxic effects at high dose
- euphoria
- respiratory depression
MOA of Cholestyramine
used for what
- sequesters bile
- diarrhea caused by bile acid malabsorption
We use Docusate for what
- laxative
We use Lactulose, Magnesium Citrate, and Polyethylene glycol for what
- laxative
We use Lubripostone for what
- laxative
We use Lincaclotide/Plecanatide for what
- laxative
We use Alvimopan, Methylnaltrexone, Naldemidine, Naloxegol for what
- laxative
MOA of lectulose, polyethylene glycol, and magnesium citrate
- stool softener
- creates osmotic pressure that draws water into the gut
MOA of Docusate
- stool softener
- allows water to penetrate feces
MOA of Bisacodyl and Sienna
- directly stimulates colonic enteric nerves
MOA of Lubiprostone
- promotes water secretion into GI lumen
- opens Cl- channel
- Cl- gradient draws Na/H2O into lumen
MOA of Linaclotide and Plecanatide
- promotes water secretion into GI lumen
- acts on CFTR
- allows in chloride
- Na/H2O follows
-tide of CFTR
What are Alvimopan, Methylnaltrexone, Naldemidine, Naloxegol
what is a PAMORA
- peripherals active mu opioids receptor antagonist
do they cross the blood brain barrier?
- antagonize mu opioid receptors in enteric nervous system
- no
how do Opioids cause constipation
- agonist mu opioid receptors in enteric nervous system
what are the first line anti-spasmodics for all types of IBS
- hyoscyamine
- dicyclomine
what are the mu opioids receptor agonists for IBS-D
- Eluxadoline
what are the serotonin antagonists for IBS-D
- Alosetron
what are the antibiotics for IBS-D
- Rifamaxin
what are the anti-depressants for IBS
which has the anti-cholinergic effect
- citalopram
- duloxetine
- desipramine (anti-cholinergic effect)
what are the anti-diarrheal with unclear etiology
- bismuth subsalicylate
what are the anti-diarrheal mu opioid receptor agonists
- loperamide
- diphenoxylate
what are the anti-diarrheal bile acid sequestrants
- Cholestyramine
What are the laxative stool softeners with unclear mechanisms
- Docusate
what are the laxative osmotic agent stool softeners
- lactulose
- magnesium citrate
- polyethylene glycol
what are the laxative stimulants
- Bisacodyl
- Senna
what are the laxative Cl-channel activators
- Lubiprostone
what are the laxative guanylate cyclase agonists
- Linaclotide
- Plecanatide
what are the laxative PAMORAs
- Alvimopan
- Methylnaltrexone
- Naldemedine
- Naloxegol