Pharmacology Flashcards
Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)
Enzyme that combines ACoA and choline to form ACh.
Plasma membrane proteins that initiate vesicle-plasma membrane fusion.
Breaks down ACh in synaptic cleft.
Choline transporter
Recycles broken down choline back into the motor neuron.
Ligand gated ion channel (Na+)
Na+ increase causes muscle action potential.
G-protein coupled receptor.
NOT located in skeletal muscle.
Agents that affect the nerve AP (2)
Tetrodotoxin, local anesthetics.
Tetrodotoxin MOA
Inhibits VG Na+ channels blocking axonal conduction.
Agents that affect vesicular ACh release
Botulinum toxin and tetanus toxin
Botulinum toxin MOA
Damages SNARE complex and orevents the release of ACh.
Tetanus toxin MOA
Blocks fusion of synaptic vesicles by targeting synaptobrevin.
After binding to the presynaptic membrane, tetanus toxin is retroaxonally to the SC.
Agents that affect depolarization (2)
Curare alkaloids and Succinylcholine
Curare MOA (d-tubocurarine)
Competes w/ ACh for nAChR on MEP, decreasing the end plate potential.
Succinylcholine MOA
Binds to skeletal muscle nAChR and initially causes depolarization, but then leads to receptor blockage and paralysis.
Cholinesterase inhibitors MOA
Inhibit AChE to increase concentration of ACh at NMJ.
Dantolene MOA
Inhibits ryanodine receptors in SR and blocks release of Ca2+.
Sx of tetrodotoxin
Weakness, dizziness, generalized paralysis.
Sx of botulism
Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and dry mouth.
Sx of tetanus toxin
Spastic paralysis, lockjaw, autonomic overactivity.
Curare is used:
During anesthesia.
Succinylcholine is used:
Before anesthesia.
Cholinesterase inhibitors are used for:
Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, myasthenia gravis, etc.
Dantrolene is used for:
Malignant hyperthermia, upper motor neuron d/o.