Etc. MSK Exam 2 Flashcards
Femoral sheath encloses:
A, V, E/L.
Allows femoral vessels to move smoothly.
Ends approx. 4-10 cm distal to inguinal L.
Inferior prolongation of transversalis fascia.
Femoral canal contains:
Only E/L.
Allows femoral V. to expand during time of venous return.
Femoral N. is the largest branch of the:
Lumbar plexus
Gives off ________ cutaneous branches;
Intermediate, medial, and lateral cutaneous Ns, and saphenous N.
Adductor canal
Intermusclar passage/fascial tunnel that enclose femoral vessels.
Begins at apex of femoral triangle and ends at adductor hiatus.
Adductor hiatus
Opening in tednon of adductor magnus m. that allows femoral vessels to move posteriorly.
Inferiorly in the thigh, femoral A. gives rise to:
Descending genicular A., which has an articular branch and a saphenous branch.
MCFA passes:
Between iliopsoas m. and pectineus m, to reach posterior thigh.
LCFA passes:
Laterally and deep to sartorius m. and rectus femoris m.
Gracilis m. is the only:
Adductor to cross the knee joint.
Medial intermuscular septa separates:
The medial and anterior compartments.
Lateral intermuscular septa separates:
The anterior and posterior compartments.
Exit the greater sciatic foramen (5):
Neurovascular bundles Piriformis m. Sciatic N. Posterior femoral cutaneous N. P, I, N structures.
Exit the lesser sciatic foramen (1):
Obturator internus m.
Enter the lesser sciatic foramen (1):
P, I, N structures.
Superior and middle cluneal Ns
Lateral branches of dorsal rami.
Supplies superior 2/3 of dorsal thigh, sacrum and adjacent area.
L1-L3 and S1-S3 dorsal rami.
Inferior cluneal N
Supplies inferior 1/3 of dorsal thigh.
S1-S3 ventral rami.
Superior gluteal N
Leaves pelvis superior to piriformis m. w/ superior gluteal a.
Runs between gluteus medius m. and gluteus minimus m.
Inferior gluteal N
Leaves inferior to piriformis m. with inferior gluteal a. alongside sciatic n.
N to quadratus femoris m.
Goes to quadratus femoris m. and inferior gemellus m.
N to obturator internus m.
Goes to obturator internus m. and superior gemellus m.
Pudendal n. is:
Anterior division of S2-S4 ventral rami.
Supplies perineal structures.
Branches from internal iliac a. (3):
Superior gluteal a.
Inferior gluteal a.
Internal pudendal a.
Participates in cruciate anastomosis of thigh (4):
Transverse branch of LCFA.
1st perforating a.
Inferior gluteal a.
IT tract
Runs from iliac tubercle to lateral tibial condyle.
Fxns: decellerating adduction of thigh, stabilize knee, extend leg, pulls patella laterally.
Triceps coxae
Superior and inferior gemellus ms.
Obturator internus m.
Bursae of gluteal region (3)
Ischial bursa
Trochanteric bursa
Gluteofemoral bursa
All TRUE hamstring ms. originate at and innervated by:
Ischial tuberosity and tibial division of sciatic n. (minus small head biceps femoris m.).
Semimembranosus m’s distal tendon divides into 2 parts which go to:
Medial tibial condyle
Becomes oblique popliteal l.
Boundaries of popliteal fossa (4)
Superomedially - semi ms.
Superolaterally - biceps femoris m.
Inferolaterally - lat. head of gastrocnemius m.
Inferomedially - medial head of gastrocnemius m.
Popliteal fossa contains (superficial to deep)
V w/ lymph
Participate in genicular anastomosis (9)
write out
Popliteal a. becomes:
Anterior and posterior tibial as.
Posterior tibial a. gives branch to fibular a.
Popliteal v. is formed by:
Union of anterior and posterior tibial vs.
Small saphenous v. empties into the popliteal v.