Pharma 11 Part 2 Flashcards
Dopamine D2 receptor antagonists
(e.g. Metoclopramide or Domperidone) Phenothiazines as Prochlorperazine ) .
5-HT3 Antagonist
H1 antagonist
Domperidone👾👾acts on both the postrema on the floor of the 4 th ventricle and also on the stomach to increases gastric emptying (i.e. less gastric contents to vomit). It is administered orally and 👉🏿👉🏿👉🏿👉🏿👉🏿👉🏿indicated in acute nausea and vomiting episodes. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮Its main ADR is excessive prolactin release, producing a galactorrhoea.
Ondasteron is a 5-HT 3 -receptor antagonist and 👾👾👾acts on the medullary centres and reducing vagal afferent nerves from the GI tract. It is given via IV administration, 👉🏿👉🏿👉🏿👉🏿indicated in radiation sickness and chemotherapy treatment. Its main 🤮🤮🤮ADRs are headaches, constipation, and flushing.
Metoclopramide is a 👾👾👾D 2 -antagonist, acting on the postrema on the floor of the 4 th ventricle, as well as some anti-cholinergic effects and blocks vagal afferents. 👉🏿👉🏿👉🏿It is normally considered first line therapy as it is safe and easy to administer. Its 🤮🤮🤮main ADR is extra-pyramidal reactions, so should be avoided in PD.
Cyclizine Cyclizine is a 👾👾👾H 1 -receptor antagonist and is used in 👉🏿👉🏿acute nausea and vomiting. Can be administered by oral, IV, or IM but has main 🤮🤮🤮🤮ADR of prolonging QT interval.
Bulk laxatives (e.g. Ispaghula) work by 👾👾acting as non-degradable fibre, giving bulk to the gut in order to aid peristaltic action. They take a few days to work yet can re-establish normal bowel habit. Whilst normal fluid intake is essential, 🤮🤮its main ADR is flatulence and should not be given when patients has any adhesions or ulceration.
Faecal softeners work by lubricating and softening the stool, with indicated use the same as the bulk
👉🏿👉🏿hard stool + constipation
Osmotically active laxatives
Osmotically active laxatives (e.g. Movicol) 👾👾👾act to cause water retention in the small and large bowel to increase peristalsis. They are normally given PR and can act quickly and severely, so should only be used 👉🏿👉🏿👉🏿for any ‘resistant’ constipation or for urgent relief.
مثل الملح الانكليزي
Stimulant Laxatives
Stimulant Laxatives Stimulant laxatives 👾👾work by exciting the sensory nerve ending leading to water and electrolyte retention and thus a peristaltic action. 👉🏿👉🏿👉🏿They are used for rapid treatment, such as for faecal impaction or surgical preparation. They act within 6-8hrs so are administered overnight.
Main examples of stimulant laxatives are 💥anthraquinone group💥💥💥which include 💖Senna, and 💖Bisacodyl. Any abuse can lead to melanosis coli.
الsenna عشبة وممكن بالمرضع تاخذها وتوصل للطفل ويصير عنده اسهال مزمن،، لذلك الطفل الي يرضع وعنده اسهال لازم نسأل امه عدها امساك وشنو تلخذ اله .. وهذي العائله تشمل زيت الخروع
وكل هذي المجموعه ممكن تسبب اسهال بالاطفال الي يرضعون ،abortion ,, increase MC
👾👾Anti-Motility Drugs Loperamide is an opiate analogue to reduce GI motility, acting via opioid receptors. They are 👉🏿👉🏿good for chronic diarrhoea 🔫🔫🔫yet should be avoided in IBD due to the risk of toxic megacolon.
Bulk Forming Agents Drugs such as Ispaghula 👾👾act to increase water absorption by the gut to influence the faecal composition. 👉🏿👉🏿👉🏿They are particularly useful for patients with IBS and those with an ileostomy.
Octeriotide : analogue of somatostatine, 👾👾it inhibits secretion of 5HT and various GI peptides. 👉🏿👉🏿So it is effective in inhibiting the severe secretory diarrhea brought about by hormone-secreting tumors of the pancreas and the GI tract.
Anti-muscarinics : (e.g Hyoscine)
Cannabinoids: (e.g . Nabilone)
5-HT4 agonist
5-HT4 agonist: ( e.g. Cisapride)
In chemotherapy - Dexamethazone / lorazepam Domperidone