Perspectives of the family and Social Policy Flashcards
What was functionalist, G P Murdock’s theory of the family (1949)
Nuclear family performed 4 crucial functions necessary for the running of society and personal development of individuals :
-Sexual stabilisation
-Economic stability
How does the function of reproduction benefit society and the family’s members? (Murdock)
-Produce next generation to keep society running / workers
-Children = symbol of parent’s love
How does the function of sexual stabilisation benefit society and the family’s members? (Murdock)
-prevent social disruption caused by sexual ‘free for all’
-Creates powerful and emotional bond between a couple and encourages life long commitment
How does the function economic stability benefit society and family members ? (Murdock)
-Productive workers = family contributing to the running of the economy
-Children dependent on parents for economic needs so can protect and care for them
How does the function socialisation benefit society and the family’s members? (Murdock)
-Teaches norms and values and prevents crime ( deviance )
-So the individual can function and thrive in society
What are the two functions of the family (Parsons) ?
-Primary socialisation
-Stabilisation of adult personalities (SOAP)
Warm bath theory
Instrumental and expressive role
Criticisms of the functionalist view of the family
-Family diversity
-Women now go to work
-Rose tinted perspective ‘Dark side of the family ‘
-Patriarchal: women exploited
Evidence for support of the functionalist view of family
-Many still aspire for the nuclear family
-Media promotes nuclear family
What is Parson’s functional fit theory ?
Parsons believed that the nuclear family had evolved historically as a result of changes to the social structure and economy to become the most common family type today
-Pre-industrial family
-Post-industrial family
What is the pre industrial family (parsons)
-Extended family
-Ascribed status
-Unit of production
More people to contribute in producing what they needed
What is the post industrial family (parsons)
-Isolated nuclear family
-Achieved status
-Unit of consumption
(Easier to move to city where the jobs were)
Two essential needs of an industrial society (Parsons) and how does the post industrial family deliver these needs?
1.Geographically mobile workforce
-Easier for the 2 generation nuclear than the extended to move to where the jobs are in different parts of the country
2.Socially mobile workforce
-Changing one’s socio-economic status (moving up the hierarchy)
-ascribed to achieved status
-Requires a skilled technically competent workforce
-Nuclear encourages social mobility more than extended family as in pre industrial society, oldest male was head of household and had the most power
What is the focus of the new right perspective?
A collection of right wing ideas that advocates neo-liberal economics, anti-welfareism, a belief in traditional morality and minimal government interference.
What was Charles Murray’s perspective?
-New Right theorist
What did Charles Murray say about anti-welfareism ?
-State interferes too much in people’s personal lives.Too many people have become over-dependent on the state, particularly the welfare state.This has resulted in a ‘nanny state’ (governs health, fitness, eating and drinking habits)
-State benefits need to be cut so members of the underclass are forced to look for work
What does Murray say the welfare state has resulted in ?
-The emergence of the underclass
-A distinct subculture of people who are economically deprived as they have lost the inclination to look for work due to the availability of state benefits
-Reliance on the welfare state has created a dependency culture, creating perverse incentives ( rewarding irresponsible behaviour, e.g giving pregnant teenagers council houses)
What do New Right sociologists recommend with regards to the family?
-Parents should be married (Heterosexual)
-Mothers stay at home and look after children full time
-Families should not receive benefits or state intervention
Reasons why the nuclear family is under attack (New Right)
Because the state social policy has:
-Encouraged women to abandon family responsibilities by promoting equal opportunity and pay in the workplace
-Divorce easier = marriage undermined
-Resulted in too many families becoming dependent on benefits (often fatherless).These families become part of a deviant underclass, committing crimes as they haven’t properly been socialised
Criticisms of the new right theory?
-No solution to poverty
-Fails to keep up with modern trends e.g feminisation of the workforce, increased life expectancy, changes in fertility rates
What perspective was Friedrich Engels and what was his view of the nuclear family?
-Marxist perspective
-Inheritance of property-
-Monogamous nuclear family emerged only after industrialisation to protect private property
-Useful to ruling class as it conferred legitimacy on children and so they could ensure their fortunes were inherited by their heirs.