Personlighetspsykologi Flashcards
<sdcConcept personality rests on…
A person behaves consistently over time and different situations. Only mild stability found in childhood-personality to adult-personality, personality becomes more stable as we enter adulthood
Distinct and enduring ways of thinking, feeling and acting which characterize how a person responds to things in real life
Psychodynamic perspective
Search for causes of behaviour in dynamic play of inner-motivational forces that often conflict each other. Most of these are unconscious.
Freuds term for motivational force/psychic energy that drives our behaviour and mental lives
Structure of personality (Freud)
Three separate but interacting structures. The id, ego and superego
innermost core of personality, source of all libido and the only structure present at birth
Pleasure principle
The id opperates in accordance to this principle. Seeks immediate gratification or release disregarding environmental realities and rational considerations
2nd structure Functions primarily at a conscious level and has direct contact with reality.
Reality principle
The ego acts in accordance to this. Tests reality to find pathways or conditions in which the id can satisfy itself and its needs
3rd structure. Moral arm of an individuals personality. Contains traditional values and ideals of family and society.
Defence mechanisms
If realistic strategies fail to reduce anxiety the ego might resort to defence mechanisms, unconscious mental operations that deny or distort reality.
Ex: repression, denial, projection
Ego uses energy in order to prevent anxiety-arousing memories, feelings and impulses from entering consciousness
Taboo impulses channelled into socially desirable and admirable behaviours, completely masking sinister underlying impulses
Psychosexual stages
Children supposedly pass through a series of these stages. Where the id’s pleasure seeking tendencies focus on specific pleasure-sensitive areas of the body (erogenous zones).
State of arrested psychosexual development where instincts are focused on a specific psychic theme. This is caused by potential deprivation or overindulgence during a psychosexual stage.
Psychological retreat to an earlier psychosexual stage
Oedipus complex
Conflictual situation created from affection to mother but hostility towards father.
Electra complex
Female counterpart to oedipus complex in which females harbour penis-envy.
Neoanalytic theorists
Psychoanalysts that disagreed with certain aspects of Freuds thinking and therefore created their own theories
Personal unconscious
Made up of an individuals life experiences
Collective unconscious
Consists of memories accumulated throughout the entire history of the human race
Inherited tendencies to interperet experiences in certain ways
Object relations theories
Focus on images or mental representations that people form of themselves and others as a result of early experiences with their caregiver. Part of neoanalytic theorists views
Social cognition
Concerns the social side of mental processes and how people make sense of themselves and people around them
Psychodynamic approaches criticism
- Make very few predictions
- Untestable and therefore not supported by empirical data
- no evidence unconscious sexual drives influence personality
- offer poor explanations to the origin of personality
- culturally and gender biased
Study of immediate experience. Our behaviour is a response to our immediate conscious experience of self and environment
Personal constructs
Cognitive categories into which people sort the persons and events of their lives
Role construct repertory test (Rep test)
Assesses individuals’ personal construct system by investigating what dimensions people use to categorize important others
Highest realization of human potential
Organised and consistent set of perceptions and beliefs of one self
absence of conflict among self-perceptions
consistency between self-perceptions and experience
Unconditional positive regard
person is inherently worthy of love, regardless of accomplishments or behaviour
Fully functioning persons
Individuals close to achieving self-actualization
how positively or negatively one feels about themselfs
need to confirm the self-concept
strong and pervasive tendency to gain and preserve a positive self-image
Personality traits
Relatively stable cognitive, emotional and behavioral characteristics, that help people establish their own identities and separate themselves from others
Factor analysis
used to identify clusters of behaviors that highly correlate, not with behaviors in separate clusters
Attending to situational cues and adapting your behavior to what seems most appropriate
Reinforcement sensitivity theory
Differences in personality originate from variations in sensitivity of biological systems of reward and punishment
Individual differences in emotional and behavioral styles which appear so early they’re assumed to have a biological foundation
Social-cognitive theories
Combine cognitive and behavioral perspectives into a new approach to personality. Focuses on the interaction between a thinking human and its environment which provide learning experiences
Reciprocal determinism
A person, their behavior and their environment all influence each other in a pattern of two-way causal links
Reinforcement value
How much we desire or dread consequences of our behavior
internal-external locus of control
Expectancy concerning the degree of personal control we have of our lives
Beliefs about the ability to perform behaviors in order to achieve a desirable outcome
Cognitive-affective personality system (CAPS)
Organized system of five variables interacting continuously with each other and the environment, that generate distinctive patterns of behavior which characterize a person
- Encodings
- Expectancies and beliefs
- Affects
- Goals and values
- Competencies and self-regulatory plans
Proposed to account for why and how peoples behavior varies stably across situations
Variationen i hur en individ beter sig över flera situationer är systematiskt
ex om han är attraherad är han extra vänlig.
Behavioral signatures
Consistent ways of responding in particular situations
Effect size
Tells what percentage of clients that received therapy had a more favourable outcome than that of an average control client who didn’t receive the treatment
Gender schemas
organized mental structures that contains our understanding of attributes and behaviors that are appropriate and expected from males and females
Experience sampling
Collect self-reported samples of behavior from respondents as they live in their daily lives
´judgement about the causes of others behaviour and outcomes
Personal attribution
Kim is overly critical, consistency high, distinctiveness low and consensus low, means its personal attribution
Situational attribution
History of art is boring, high consistency, high distinctiveness and high consensus means situational attibution
personegenskaper som förklarar/orsakar beteende
ex kreativ, impulsiv, ambitiös
Exploratory factor analysis
Used when both observed and latent variables are assumed to be measured at interval level
Big 5’s faktorer/dimensioner
- Utåtriktning (extraversion/introversion)
- Målmedvetenhet (conscientiousness)
- Öppenhet för nya erfarenheter
- Känslomässig stabilitet/instabilitet (neuroticism)
- Vänlighet (agreeableness)
- Honesty - humility
- emotionality
- extraversion
- Agreeableness
- Conscientiousness
- openness to new experiences
Överför en effekt
Förstärker/försvagar en effekt
- Encodings
- Expectancies and beliefs
- Affects
- Goals and values
- Competencies and self-regulatory plans
Proposed to account for why and how peoples behavior varies stably across situations
Variationen i hur en individ beter sig över flera situationer är systematiskt
ex om han är attraherad är han extra vänlig.
Organized system of five variables interacting continuously with each other and the environment, that generate distinctive patterns of behavior which characterize a person
- Encodings
- Expectancies and beliefs
- Affects
- Goals and values
- Competencies and self-regulatory plans
Fixed mindset
Believe talents are innate gifts
Growth mindset
Believe their talents can be developed and improved through hard work etc
G-faktor teori
Ex matte och språk ändras båda tillsammans pga av g-faktorn men kommer inte att påverka varandra
Mutualism modell
Matte och språk kan ändras enskilt men kommer att spilla över till andra färdigheter. Specifika färdigheter är kausalt kopplade och ömsesidigt förstärker varandra.
Minimalister (gender-similarity hypothesis)
Könsskillnader är små (enligt Cohens D stämmer detta för 80% av könsskillnader)
Könsskillnader har ingen reell betydelse
Effekterna av könsskillnader är inte små i förhållande till andra psykologiska effekter
Även små effekter kan ha stor praktisk betydelse (fokus på praktisk signifikans)
Gender equality paradox
Könsskillnader störst i Europa och Nordamerika trots att de har mest jämställdhet
Köper mat för jag är hungrig (proximate)
Att känna hunger och kunna agera på den har överlevnadsvärde (ultimate)
Män och kvinnor skiljer sig åt eftersom de blivit inskolade i det (proximate)
Män och kvinnor skiljer sig åt för de blivit utsatta för olika överlevnadsproblem (ultimate)
Kategoriserad/kontinuerlig syn
kategoriserad “Är Emma psykopat ja eller nej?”
Kontinuerlig “Har Emma starka psykopatiska drag?” personlighetsdimension efter normalfördelad kurva
När de testas mot varandra får den kontinuerliga mer stöd
Kontinuerligt perspektiv
Bättre statistisk power för att upptäcka samband mellan variabler
Bättre förutsättningar för att addresera subkliniska drag
Big five koppling till kliniska drag
Fobisk/undvikande personlighetsstörning, låg extroversion och hög neuroticism (extrem blyghet)
Histronisk personlighetsstörning, hög extraversion
Narcissism, låg extroversion och neuroticism (HEXACO ger en annan förklaring)
Fenotypisk varians som kan härledas till genotypisk varians, gäller skillnader mellan individer inte inom.
Heritabilitet uppskattas genom att jämföra likheter mellan grupper med olika stor genetisk överlappning.
Dessa likheter uppskattas med hjälp av korrelationer och kan därför vara snedvridna.
Grupper kan även skilja sig på miljömässiga grunder.
Beteendegenetikens grundläggande lärdomar
- All human behavioural traits are heritable
- Effect of being raised in the same family is smaller than the effect of genes
- Substantial portion of the variation in complex human behaviour can not be accounted for by genes or family
Klassiskt traitperspektiv
Sanna personligheten visas i ens genomsnittliga beteende över flera situationer, allt övrigt är mätfel