Personality measurement Flashcards
what is a self report inventories
Ask people to respond to a series of questions about themselves
what is the MMPI
Self-report inventory used by clinical psychologists
567 items
what is the MBTI
- Measures Jungian types - basis in psychoanalysis
Most widely known personality test
Hans Eysenck personality test
48 items for 2 personality factors
How do we assess the big 5
John and Srivastava (1999)
Widely used assessment of the big five
Derived from the lexical/dictionary approach
what is the ten item personality inventory
- 10 items
- 2 questions per trait
- Short
Easy to implement
what is organisational behaviour
Focused on understanding, explaining, and improving attitudes of individuals in organizations
what does poor organisational behaviour lead to
- Poor employee satisfaction
- Greater attrition of employees
Low morale and motivation
why might predicting behaviour traits be beneficial for employers
- Anticipate what employees may do in situations
May provide index of “fit” in organization
what is person-job fit
When job characteristics align with employees’ personalities, motivations, and abilities
what does a lack of fit lead to
increases burnout and physical symptoms
what does good fit lead to
higher job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and better performance on the job
what does selection basis assume
personality is stable
openness in the workplace d
May adjust better to organizational change
Linked to higher creativity and adaptability
conscientiousness in the workplace
follows through and gets things done
Too much can be a bad thing
extraversion in the workplace
Linked to higher performance in sales and management
Related to social interactions and persuasion
agreeableness in the workplace
Effective in jobs requiring cooperation and helpfulness
neuroticism in the workplace
Emotional stability relates to stress coping
Also strong predictor of job performance
issues with using the big 5 in the workplace
- Rely too heavily on test scores
Does provide a strong relationship however personality can fluctuate
what is whole trait theory
- We have a distribution of personality states
Personality states depend on context and environment
what are projective tests
- Access unconscious by providing an ambiguous stimulus
Participants “project” personalities as they describe the object
what is a thematic apperception test
- Create story about a highly evocative, ambiguous scene
The person is thought to project their own motives, conflicts, and other personality characteristics into the story they create
Strengths of projective tests
Provides qualitative information about individual’s personality
Information can facilitate therapy
Limitations of projective tests
Scoring highly subjective
Fails to produce consistent results
Poor at predicting future behaviour