Personality (KA) Flashcards
Freud’s 2 insitinctual drives
Libido (survival, growth, pleasure)
Death instinct (aggression, wish to die/hurt)
Unwanted impulses are transformed into something less harmful
Humanistic theory
Carl Rogers + Maslow
Humans are inherently good
Motivated by self-actualization
Social potency trait
Degree to which person assumes leadership roles
People w/ longer DA-4 receptor gene
More likely to be thrill seekers
Behaviorist theory
Behavior is deterministic due to learned behavior patterns in environment
- Skinner (operant), Pavlov (classical)
Types of traits
Cardinal (dominant)
- Cattell
- Eysenck
- 16 PF
- Extroversion, neuroticism, psychoticism
5 factor model (Big 5)
Openness Conscientiousness Extroversion Agreeableness Neuroticism
Social cognitive theory
Interactions b/w people and environment
Cognition plays role (different from behaviorism)
Bobo Doll experiment
Learning-performance distinction
Learning behavior and performing it are different
Mnemonic for motivation
Am I Motivated?
- Attention
- Memory
- Imitation
- Motivation
Causes of schizophrenia
Decreased cerebral cortex size
Increased DA
Abnormal mesocorticolimbic pathway (VTA in midbrain + cerebral cortex)
Nuclei lost in Alzheimer’s
Nucleus basalis
- Releases Ach
Maintaining group harmony is more important than being correct
Breakdown of social bonds b/w individual and community
Informational social influence
We conform b/c we feel others are more knowledgeable
Asch conformity studies
Participants conform with confederates and give wrong answer
Demand characteristics
Participants in study may act how they thought experimenter wanted them to behave
Factors that influence conformity:
Group size Unanimity Group status Group cohesion Observed behaviour Public response
Factors that influence obedience:
Closeness to authority Physical proximity Legitimacy Institutional Victim distance Depersonalization of victim Role models
Social facilitation
Being in presence of others will show most dominant response (whatever is most likely to occur)
Primary deviance
No big consequences
Secondary deviance
Serious consequences
Strain theory
Block person from attaining goal => they turn to deviance
Previously habituated stimulus is removed
Increase in responsiveness to repeated stimulus
Purposeful movement
Random, unpurposeful movement
Latent learning
Learned behavior is not expressed until required
Insight learning
Aha moment
Central processing route
Deep processing
Lasting attitude change
Peripheral processing route
Shallow processing
Temporary attitude change
Tyranny of choice
Too many choices => negatively impact cognition
Effects of information overload
Decision paralysis
Increased regret
Ego depletion
Self-control = limited resource
- Resist one thing => less self-control with other things