Individuals and Society (KA) Flashcards
Reaction to secularization => go back to strict religious beliefs
- 3 main features of theory
Sociocultural (social interaction) development
- Kids learn actively through hands-on processes
- MKO, Zone of Proximal development, language
3 assumptions of rational choice theory
Independence of irrelevant alternatives
How someone perceives/evaluates themselves
Manifest functions
Intended consequences of institutions
Ex. businesses provide a service
Construct validity
Whether a tool is measuring what it is intended to measure
Just World Hypothesis
Feminist theory
Optimism bias
Belief that bad things happen to others, but not us
Normative organization
Members come together through shared goals
- Ex. religion groups, MADD
Dependency ratio
Compares number of people younger than 14/older than 65 w/ people in labor force
Marx false consciousness
Unable to see oppression
Iron rule of oligarchy
Democracy => bureaucracy until governed by few
- Due to hesitancy to give up power
Vygotsky’s 4 elementary mental functions
Categorical self
Existing with others
Latent functions
Unintended consequences of institutions
Ex. Schools expose students to new activities
Weak social constructionism
Social constructs are dependent on brute facts = basic and fundamental (quarks in atoms)
vs. institutional facts
Mere exposure effect
Repeated exposure to something increases our liking for it
Linear regression
One-way influence of one variable on another
- Different from correlation, which makes no assumptions about which variable influences the other
Dominant religious organization that includes most members of society
Social facts
Ways of thinking/acting formed by society that can’t be influenced by any one individual
Ex. Law
Kelley’s covariation model of attribution theory (3 cues)
Consistency (time)
Distinctiveness (situation)
Consensus (people)
World-Systems theory
World as a unit, divided into 3 countries
Vehicular control
What experimental group does w/o the directly desired impact
Rogers Humanistic theory 3 components
- Self image
- Self-esteem
- Ideal-self
Sick role
Expectation that lets you take break from responsibilities, but if you don’t get better/return => deviant
Small vs. large societies
Small societies = held together by similarities
Large societies = people are interdependent
Human conditions previously considered normal get defined as medical conditions
Actor-Observer Bias
Similar to self-serving bias
Rational choice theory
People are not only motivated by money, but also do what’s best to get better
- Assume people act by weighing costs and benefits, driven by self-interest
What happens when ideal self does not match real self
Existential self
Basic, separate/distinct from others
Case-control study
Observational, 2 groups differing in outcome are compared to find causal factor
Ainsworth’s strange situation
Why do some have stranger anxiety and others don’t
Index of dissimilarity (what do 0 and 100 mean?
0 = total segregation 100 = perfect distribution
Moral development
- Moral reasoning
Potential reproductive capacity of a female
Strong social constructionism
Reality is dependent on language and social habits
- Says there are no brute facts, we just created everything
Reciprocal altruism
People are more cooperative if they will interact with that person again in future
Only affects limited period of one’s life
- Ex. girl scouts, soriorities
Exchange theory
Rational choice theory expanded to social interactions
- Sexual selection
- Social selection
Incipient stage of social movement
Public takes notice
Characteristics of bureaucracy
Division of labor Hierarchy of organization Written rules and regulations Impersonality Employment based on technical qualifications
Internal validity
Extent to which causal conclusion based on study is warranted
- Can be impacted by confounding factors
Past-in-Present discrimination
Things in past have consequences for people in present
- Brown v. BOE => girl integrated doesn’t feel welcome
Projection bias
Assume other people share same beliefs we do