personality disorders Flashcards
frequent, intense experiences of high levels of a wide range of negative emotions + behavioral/interpersonal manifestations of intense negative meotions
negative affectivity
avoidance of socioemotional experience; withdrawl from interpersonal itneractions, restricted affective experience/expression
behaviors w/ exagerrated self importance; callous antipathy towards others
orientation towards immediate gratifiation leading to impulsive behavior w/o regard for consequences
wide range of culturally odd, eccentric, unusual behaviors
when do sx of personality disorders appear?
early in life
cluster A disorders (3)
paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal
cluster B disorders (4)
antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic
cluster C disorders (3)
avoidant, dependent, OCD
generally odd, eccentric personality disorders
cluster A
generally dramatic, emotional personality disorders
cluster B
generally anxious, fearful personality disorders
cluster C
neither desires or enjoys close relationships
schizoid personality disorder
discomfort with close relationships, lack of close friends or confidantes
schizotypal personality disorder
what is important in tx of those with antisocial PD?
enforce clear boundaries