Personality Disorders Flashcards
What is a personality disorder?
A disturbance characterised by problems in functioning of aspects of the self and/or interpersonal dysfunction
Persisted over an extended period of time - lasts 2 years or more
What is the patterns of disturbance in personality disorder?
Cognition, emotional experience, emotional expression and behaviour which is maladaptive (poorly regulated)
May be evoked by particular types of circumstances and not others
What is the disturbance in personality disorder associated with?
Substantial distress or significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational and other areas of functioning
What are the general diagnostic requirements for personality disorder?
Severe disturbances in functioning of the self
Problems in interpersonal functioning seriously affect all relationships and ability to perform in expected social and occupational roles
What are severe personality disorders associated with?
Harm to self or others, and serious impairment in all or nearly all areas of life
What are some key features of personality disorders?
Negative affectivity, detachment, dissociality, disinhibition, anankastia and borderline pattern
Describe negative affectivity seen in personality disorder
Low self esteem + self confidence
Tendency to the strong experience of negative emotions
Describe detachment seen in personality disorders
Tendency towards social and emotional detachment from others in a rigid way
What is dissociality in personality disorder?
Clinical phenomenon related to harmful behaviour towards others and often lack of empathy related to it
Describe disinhibition seen in personality disorder
Tendency towards impulsiveness and recklessness
Describe anakastia in personality disorder
Tendency towards rigid insistence on order, cleanliness, abiding by rules to their letter
What are cluster A disorder characterised by?
Severe problems of basic interpersonal trust
What is included in cluster A disorders?
Paranoid personality disorder
Schizoid personality disorder
Schizo-typical personality disorder
What is paranoid personality disorder?
Related to a severe tendency to see malign motives in others
What is schizoid personality disorder?
Related to gross social and emotional detachment