Alcohol Use Disorder Flashcards
How much is one unit of alcohol?
What is the weekly limit of alcohol recommended for men and women?
14 units per week
How many people drink at hazardous or harmful levels?
20% of adult population
What is the definition of hazardous drinking?
Pattern of alcohol consumption that increases risk of harmful consequences for the user
Drinking more than 14 units a week but under 35 for women and 50 for men
What is the definition of harmful drinking?
A pattern of alcohol consumption that is causing mental or physical damage
Drinking more than 35 units for women and 50 for men
Describe alcohol dependence
Cluster of behaviour, cognitive and physiological factors that typically include strong desire to drink alcohol and difficulties controlling its use
What does alcohol use disorder include?
Alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence
Mild, moderate and severe
What is the DSM5 definition for alcohol use disorder (AUD)?
Maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress
Manifested by 2 or more of criteria occurring any time over 12 months
What is the DSM5 criteria for AUD?
Impaired control - persistent desire, urge and takes more than intended
Social impairment - failure to work, school or role at home
Risky use - alcohol consumption in situations which are hazardous
Pharmacological criteria
What is the pharmacological criteria for AUD?
Tolerance - need for marked increased amounts to achieve intoxication or marked diminished effect with continued use
Withdrawal - withdrawal symptoms or alcohol taken to relieve these symptoms
What makes AUD mild, moderate or severe?
Mild - presence of 2-3 symptoms
Moderate - 4-5
Severe - 6 or more
Describe the alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT)
Comprehensive 10 question alcohol harm screening tool
Score 1 - 4
What score does the AUDIT give?
0-7 - lower risk
8-14 - hazardous drinking
15-19 - harmful drinking
20+ - possible dependence
What does the severity of alcohol dependence questionnaire measure?
Physical withdrawal
Affective withdrawal
Withdrawal relief drinking
Alcohol consumption
Rapidity of reinstatement
Describe the clinical institute withdrawal assessment for alcohol (CIWA-AR)
Ten item scale used in assessment and management of alcohol withdrawal