Learning Disability Flashcards
What is the definition of learning disability?
Disorders of intellectual development are a group of etiologically diverse conditions originating during the developmental period
Significantly below average functioning and adaptive behaviour
What is the criteria for learning disability?
Intellectual impairment (IQ<70)
Social or adaptive dysfunction - deficits in 2 or more adaptive skills
Onset in the developmental period - before age 18
What is a mild learning disability?
IQ- 50-69
Adaptive behaviour - 9 to under 12 years
Often do not appear disabled and people tend to overestimate them
What will people with mild learning disability need?
More time to think
Concrete information
Repetition to learn
What will people with mild learning disability struggle with?
Solve problems, understand consequences + risks and remember details
Describe moderate learning disability
IQ is 35-49
Adaptive behaviour 6 to under 9 years
Disability more likely to be apparent
Rigid in thinking and struggle understanding content
May appear to have surface understanding
What will people with moderate learning disability need and struggle with?
Need routine and structure
Struggle to understand conversations, use of language and generalise
Describe severe learning disability
IQ is 20-34
Adaptive is 3 to under 6 years
Need help with most everyday tasks and very basic understanding of language
Will always need support available
Describe profound learning difficulty
IQ <20
Adaptive behaviour below 3 years
Have complex care need, additional health needs, no ability to care for own basic needs and require constant help + supervision
Describe how learning disabilities are inherited
Single gene - Fragile X, PKU and Rett syndrome
Microdeletion/ duplication - DiGeorge syndrome, Prada-Willi and angelman syndrome
Chromosomal abnormality - Down’s syndrome and sex chromosome
How are learning disabilities acquired?
Infective - rubella and zika virus
Traumatic - hypoxic injury during childhood and head injury
Toxic - foetal alcohol syndrome and maternal valproate use
What are associated conditions for learning disabilities?
Cerebral palsy
What are the leading causes of mortality in learning disability?
Congenital malformation and chromosomal abnormalities
Influenzas and pneumonia
Cerebral Palsy
What are some physical health problems seen in learning disabilities?
Epilepsy, sensory impairments (hearing, vision, earwax), obesity, GI, chest infections, aspiration pneumonia, cerebral palsy, ortho., and dermatology
What mental health issues are seen in learning disabilties?
Schizophrenia/ psychosis, mood disorders, anxiety disorder, dementia and other neurodevelopmental disorders