Eating Disorders Flashcards
Describe anorexia nervosa as ‘obsessive losing weight disorders’
Obsessive fear of fatness, with avoidance of food and other sources of calories, and range of compulsory compensatory behaviours when food can not be avoided
Behaviours are a way to avoid anxiety
Describe the prevalence of eating disorders
75% of anorexia nervosa occur before age of 22
30-50% of patients develop long-term chronic problems
What are the essential diagnostic features of anorexia nervosa?
Significantly low body weight for height, BMI<18.5 and rapid weight loss >20% in 6 months
Relies on compulsory behaviours, self induced vomiting, laxative abuse, excessive exercise, fear of gaining weight, pre-occupation on body weight and abuse of appetite suppressants
What are some symptoms and sings seen in anorexia nervosa?
Cold intolerance, blue hands/ feet, constipation, bloating, delayed puberty, amenorrhoea, dry skin, fainting, hypotension, lanugo hair, scalp hair loss, weakness, fatigue, osteopenia and osteoporosis
What are some of the warning signs for anorexia nervosa?
Avoiding meals, slow eating, daily exercise, low calorie foods, cooling, excessive school work, wearing baggy clothes, reads labels and body checking
Describe bulimia nervosa
Episodes of binge eating with sense of loss of control
Followed by compensatory behaviour of purging type or non-purging
Behaviour must occur a min of once per week over at least a month
What is purging behaviours seen in bulimia nervosa?
Self-induced vomiting, laxative abuse, diuretic abuse and insulin omission
What is non-purging behaviours seen in bulimia nervosa?
Excessive exercise, fasting or strict diets
What are some signs and symptoms of bulimia nervosa?
Mouth sores, pharyngeal trauma, dental caries, heartburn, oesophageal trauma, impulsivity, muscle cramps, weakness, bloody diarrhoea, irregular periods, fainting and hypotension
Describe binge eating disorder
Similar to bulimia nervosa but absence of purging behaviours
What are the ongoing and/ or repetitive cycles often included in binge eating disorder?
Unusually fast eating (usually alone), unusually large amounts consumed, uncomfortably full, embarrassment, shame, guilt and depression
Describe type 1 diabetes with an eating disorder (TIDE)
Eating disorder in type 1 diabetes - anorexia variant if food restriction, bulimic variant if binging and also, purging method
Describe other specified feeding or eating disorder (OSFED)
If their symptoms do not fit expected symptoms
Atypical anorexia - weight remains in normal range
Atypical bulimia - binges don’t happen as often
Purging disorder
Night eating syndrome
Describe avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (AFRID)
Can for different reasons - sensitivity to texture, smell or appearance
May result in weight loss and nutrition + psychological deficits
Behaviours are not motivated by the pre-occupation of weight + shape
What are the causes of anorexia?
Genetic predisposition - OCD, anxiety disorders, perfectionism and low self-esteem
Perinatal factors, life events and perpetuating consequences of starvation and avoidance