Personal investigation 2- stroop test Flashcards
What is the title of our investigation?
A correlation study involving the stroop test
What is a correlation study?
A correlation study is a relationship between covariables
A scatter diagram is used to present the data
The closer the coefficient is to 0 the weaker the coefficient.
The closer to +1 or -1 the stronger it is
What is the stroop test?
The stroop test can be used to measure a persons attention capacity and skills, processing speed and evaluate executive processing ability
What is the stroop effect?
The delay in reaction time between automatic and controlled processing information, in which the names and the words interfere with the ability to name the colour of ink used to print the words (Tam 2015)
What are the two co variables in the study?
1- Creativity scores on the Kellogg creativity questionnaires out of 116
2- Time taken (sec) to accurately complete the stroop test
What are some cofounding variables in the study?
CV- affect some of the participants
Visual impairments
Size of the screen
Prior experience
Concentration levels depending on hours of sleep or lessons before
What are some extraneous variables of the study?
EV- a variable that affects all the p’s and there results but isn’t manipulated or measures
Noise levels
Lighting of room
What type of hypothesis have we used in our study and why?
Theirs been previous research done on this
What is our hypothesis?
There will be a decrease in stroop test time in seconds in those who have creativity scores (Kellog) over 50 than those who scored under 50
What is our null hypothesis?
There will be no significant difference in stroop test time in seconds in those who have creativity scores (Kellog) over 50 than those who scored under 50
Methodology- Define a correlation and what it show?
A relationship between co variables
Shows strength and type of relationship (pos or neg) of the variable
Methodology- strengths of correlations?
High ecological validity
Quick and easy
Can be used when its unethical and impractical to manipulate variables
Methodology- weaknesses of correlations?
Cant have a cause and effect relationship, lack of internal and external validity
Background info- Creativity and the stroop interference effect Edl et al 2014
Who did the researcher observe?
61 university students between 18-42 graduates or not
Background info- Creativity and the stroop interference effect Edl et al 2014
Why did they choose to compare ‘creative’ students to ‘non creative students’?
Past research has brought up a relationship between the 2
Background info- Creativity and the stroop interference effect Edl et al 2014- How did they decipher who was creative and who wasn’t?
By using design students - ones that did design, media and international design
And not creative students- psychology, social studies and educational science
Background info- Creativity and the stroop interference effect Edl et al 2014-
What did the study find about the relationship between creativity and the stroop test?
The design students attained higher scores in verbal originals, verbal fluency and figural originally
Also significantly higher on ideational behaviour scale
There was less of the stroop effect in design students
Therefore saying creativity means stronger cognitive control.
Creativity means if were creative it’s easier to supress things
Sampling- who makes up the target population?
Members at notre dame
Sampling- who is our sampling frame?
Students and staff at notre dame
Sampling- what sampling method should we use?
Opportunity sampling
Sampling- what is opportunity sampling?
This is the method used when participants are available at the time of research
Sampling- justify why we have used opportunity?
A strength of opportunity sampling, is that they are a great deal easier for the researcher to administer in comparison to other sampling techniques which may be more costly on time and research
Ethics- what do we need to do your investigation?
Ethical issues surrounding your research. Specification clearly states that the BPS code of Ethics and Conduct (2009) must be adhered to in implementation of the investigations
Ethics- privacy in the research?
-Not share scores with participants
-If students have got SEND issues, don’t tell participant, only people that have done research in groups
Ethics- Confidentiality in the research?
Giving participants different codes for their names
-Getting rid of tests score sheets, keeping result but in a safe space
Ethics- Deception in the research?
Giving a brief and a debrief
Ethics- Right to withdrawal in the research?
Write this in brief or debrief giving email to tell them to withdrawal
Ethics- Informed consent in the research?
Working with children- have to get consent from a responsible adult (not true consent)
-16+ can consent themselves
Ethics- Protecting from harm in the research?
Humiliating if low scores, adding help places in debrief
Reliability- Internal reliability?
The extent to which a test or measure is consistent within itself e.g. the use of standardised instruction and procedure for all participants
Reliability- External reliability?
The extent to which a test produces consistent result over several occasions
How will you ensure internal reliability is high in your own experiment?
All participants should be given same instruction in the same way
e.g. using electronic stroop test and creativity questionnaires
Can we check for external reliability and how?
No we can’t as we’re not going to do it again
Validity- internal validity?
These findings are accurate and the effects on the DV are caused by the IV. Therefore, the study measures what its intending to measure
Validity- external validity?
Whether the study paints a true picture of real life behaviour and weather the findings would apply to different places, different times, or different people (population validity)
Reliability- what may be an issue in our study?
Social desirability
Demand characteristics
Descriptive statistics- mean?
Creativity score- 46.3
Stoop- 24.7
Descriptive statistics- median?
Creativity score- 44
Stroop- 24.3
Descriptive statistics- mode?
Creativity score- 58
Stroop- 21
Descriptive statistics- range?
Creativity score- 23
Stroop- 18.3
Descriptive statistics- standard deviation?
Stroop- 5.76
Inferential statistics how do we figure out what test to do?
-Finding a correlation
-What sampling or non
-Nominal or ordinal > we use ordinal
Inferential statistics- what test did we do?
Spearman’s Rho
Inferential statistics- observed value?
Inferential statistics- critical value?
Inferential statistics- were are results significant?
observed value is less than the critical so not significant
Are we rejecting or accepting null or alternative?
Reject alternative and accept the null
What’s our conclusion for the study?
-There is a weak negative correlation between the stroop test performance and creativity
However the correlation was not significant and relationship was likely due to chance
Ways to improve- ethics?
Is it ethical to not get children’s consent and take them out of class
Next time do it at lunch
Ways to improve- sample?
Used more children than adults
Also a small sample
If we got more adult to child ratio it would most likely represent population as results may have been more diverse with population validity
Ways to improve- validity?
Demand characteristics
P’s knew they were in a study so important to consider as may have altered behaviour
Don’t fully tell them aims to prevent social desirability
Ways to improve- reliability?
All explian in the same way so all ps get same instructions
Ways to improve- confounding?
Ask about the subjects they do e.g. music
Ways to improve- general issues?
Didn’t have everything set up when in room so to improve make sure there proposed