Content analyasis Flashcards
What is content analysis?
An observation but not from human behaviour
Observing and analysing things produced by people e.g. tv shows, newspapers
Is content analysis a experimental or non experimental technique?
Non experimental
What occurs in content analysis?
Behavioural Category’s
What’s a sample?
The artefacts we analyse not the people. Representative such as magazines looking at a car advert and looking at the gender stereotypes. This means we need to be representative therefore using multiple different of magazines such as womens and mens
Example of behaviour categories?
If its about gender stereotypes and cars
the category’s would be
-driving the car
-passenger in the car
-washing the car
-loading up the boot
-sitting on the bonnet
-looking at the car
What is behavioural category’s?
these are where behaviours categorised in order for a breakdown of information
What is quantitative analysis?
when we tally each time we see a certain behaviour
example of quantitative analysis?
Looking at gender sterytypes anc cars within magazines
observer tallys each time man or women is seen doing behaviour
What is qualitative data?
Observer has category’s and chooses example to illustrate this category
Example of qualitative data?
Category is driving the car, instead of counting data its described e.g. through a picture
What happens when we get results from content analysis?
Researcher looks at data collected and draws a conclusion
e.g. men drive the cars womens are passengers
Different ways of conducting content analysis?
Coding and thematic analysis
What is coding?
information categorised and placed into units. Counting up number of times a category occurs and tallys it - producing quanatative data
Examples of coding?
News paper articles analysed and coded with regard of number of derogatory terms used towards mentally ill people
such as crazy, mad and lunatic
What is thematic analysis?
any idea that keeps cropping up
can be sorted into themes
Examples of thematic analysis?
The mentally ill ay be described as threats in the newspapers and a drain on the NHS
themes of control, stereotypes and treatment of the mentally ill
Strengths of content analysis?
-High mundane realism/High ecological validity as its based of real life
-Ethical, mainly uses secondary data
-Can study people you wouldn’t really be able to get intouch with
Weaknesses of content analysis?
Observer bias- up to interpretation of researcher
Culture bias- interpretation of verbal and written consent may be affected by the language and culture of observer and coding system used leading to misinterpretation.
How do we ensure and asses reliability in content analysis?
ensure- coding system easy and clear to use
assess- interobserver reliability= 2 or more observers to analyse artifact, if its reliable we should have an 80% agreement between the two
How do we ensure and asses validity in content analysis?
ensure- coding system has to be measuring what your intending to study
assess- content validity, asking panel of experts to assess the coding system and if they agree the category being invested by the coding system has internal reliability