Peritoneum Flashcards
What type of tissue is the peritoneum?
Serous membrane
What are the layers of the peritoneum?
Parietal peritoneum
Visceral peritoneum
How are the parietal and visceral peritoneum related to each other?
They are continuous with each other
What does the parietal perioneum line?
The inner surace of the abdominal wall
What does the visceral peritoneum line?
Some abdominal viscera
What are the different relationships between the peritoneum and the abdominal viscera?
What is meant by intraperitoneal viscera?
Viscera that are completely covered with visceral peritoneum
What are some examples of intraperitoneal viscera?
Transverse colon
What is meant by retroperitoneal vsicera?
Viscera whose anterior surface is covered with paritetal peritoneum
What are the types of retroperitoneal viscera?
Primarily retroperitoneal
Secondarily retroperitoneal
What are primarily retroperitoneal viscera?
Viscera that developed outside of the parietal peritoneum and remain outside of it
What are secondarily retroperitoneal viscera?
Viscera that were initially intraperitoneal, suspended by mesentery
but became retroperitoneal
during development
How do secondarily retroperitoneal viscera become retroperitoneal from being initially intraperitoneal?
Growth of other viscera pushes them posteriorly
their mesentery fuses with the posterior abdominal wall
What is formed by the fusion between mesentery of secondarily retroperitoneal viscera and the posterior abdominal wall?
Fusion fascia
What are some examples of retroperitoneal viscera?
Suprarenal glands
Colon - ascending and descending
What are some examples secondarily retroperitoneal viscera?
Ascending colon
Descending colon
What is a mesentery?
Double layer of peritoneum
between visceral and parietal peritoneum on posterior abdominal wall
How do mesenteries form?
Parietal peritoneum reflects off posterior abdominal wall to viscera
wraps around viscera as visceral peritoneum
reflects off viscera back to posterior abdominal wall
What do mesenteries carry?
Neurovascular supply to organ
How are the mesenteries of different organs named?
Small intestine - mesentery
Other organs - meso-name of organ
What is an omentum?
Multiple layers of peritoneum
between the stomach, proximal part of duodenum
and other organs
What are the different omenta?
Greater omentum
Lesser omentum
What exactly does the greater omentum run between?
Greater curvature of stomach, proximal part of duodenum
and anterior surface of transverse colon
How is the greater omentum formed?
Visceral peritoneum surrounding stomach reflects off greater curvature of stomach
descends down
folds on itself
ascends up
attaches to anterior surface of transverse colon as visceral peritoneum
What are the parts of the greater omentum?
Gastrophrenic ligament
Gastrosplenic ligament
Gastrocolic ligament
What are peritoneal ligaments?
Double layers of peritoneum
connecting viscera together, or connecting viscera to abdominal wall
What exactly does the gastrophrenic ligament run between?
Greater curvature of stomach
Inferior surface of diaphragm
What exactly does the gastrosplenic ligament run between?
Greater curvature of stomach
Hilum of spleen
What exactly does the gastrocolic ligament run between?
Gtreater curvature of stomach
Anterior surface of transverse colon
What are the functions of the greater omentum?
Fat deposition
Immune function
Infection control
How does the greater omentum have an infection control function?
Migrates to and wraps around infected organs
to prevent spread of infection physically
What exactly does the lesser omentum run between?
Lesser curvature of stomach, proximal part of duodenum
How is the lesser omentum formed?
Visceral peritoneum surrounding stomach reflects off lesser curvature of stomach
ascends up to liver
attaches to liver as visceral peritoneum
What are the parts of the lesser omentum?
Gastrohepatic ligament
Hepatoduodenal ligament
What does the hepatoduodenal ligament contain?
Portal triad
What is the portal triad made up of?
Portal vein
Hepatic artery
Bile duct