Period 5: The American and French Revolutions Flashcards
What was the French and Indian War?
- Britain began colonizing the east coast of North America during the 1600s
- France and Britain had been rivals since the Hundred Years’ War and carried this rivalry to America
- British colonists in America felt threatened by France’s colonial settlements in the 1750s
- the French enlisted the Algonquin and Iroquois tribes to fight with them against the English colonists
- in 1763 England beat the French in the French and Indian War
- known in Europe as the Seven Years’ War
What were the impacts of the French and Indian War?
- pushed French territory to the north
- English territories expanded westward into the Ohio River Valley
- colonists were happy but the British were upset about the costs and felt that the American colonists did not share the burden which the colonists resented
Who was George Grenville and Charles Townshend?
- passed the Revenue Act in 1764
- passed the Stamp Act in 1765
- passed the Tea Act in 1773
- intended to raise funds for the British government
- generated unrest because American colonists thought they were unfair and that the colonists weren’t represented in England’s Parliament when these laws were passed (no taxation without representation)
How did the American Revolutionary War begin?
- British troops battled with rebellious colonists in Lexington and Concord in 1775 leading to the deaths of 400 Britains and Americans
Who was Thomas Paine?
- student of the Enlightenment
- urged colonists to support the American independence movement
- wrote the pamphlet Common Sense where he said the monarchy was an encroachment on Americans’ natural rights and he appealed to the colonists to form a better government
How did France impact the American Revolution?
- the Americans kept enduring defeats by 1776 as the war moved to the middle colonies and the South
- the French committed ships, soldiers, weapons, and money to the cause in 1777
How did the American Revolutionary War end?
- French and American troops and ships cornered the core of the British army in 1781, which was under the command of General George Cornwallis
- General George Cornwallis surrendered, ending the war
What were the estates (social classes) of French society?
- the First Estate comprised the clergy
- the Second Estate was made up of the noble families
- the Third Estate comprised everyone else (peasant farmers, bourgeoisie aka middle class)
What did Louis XVI do in attempt to rectify the financial situation in France?
- called a meeting of the Estates-General in 1789
- the Second Estate nobles wanted to gain favors from the king in the form of political power and greater freedoms in the form of a new constitution
- the Third Estate representatives wanted more freedom like that of the former British colonists in America and suggested that the Estates-General meet as a unified body but the nobility wanted the estates to meet separately so the estates met separately
What was the National Assembly?
- the Third Estate was frustrated at the possibility of being shut out of the new constitution by the other two estates and thus declared themselves the National Assembly in 1789
- the king got nervous and forced the other two estates to join them in an effort to write a new constitution but it was too late and the peasants were restless
What did the peasants do because they were concerned the king wasn’t going to follow through on the major reforms they wanted?
The peasants stormed the Bastille, a huge prison in Paris, in 1789.
What was the Declaration of the Rights of Man?
- adopted by the National Assembly
- a document recognizing natural rights and based on the ideas of the Enlightenment, the American Declaration of Independence, and the writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- copied and distributed across Europe, furthering the ideas of freedom, equality, and rule of law
What did the National Assembly do during the French Revolution?
- abolished the feudal system
- altered the monopoly of the Catholic Church by declaring freedom of worship
- the king and his family were taken to Paris so they wouldn’t interfere with the work of the National Assembly
- established the nation-state as the source of all sovereignty or political authority
- ratified a new constitution in 1791
What were the effects of the National Assembly’s constitution?
- the king held on to the executive power (constitutional monarchy rather than constitutional democracy) causing those who wanted to abolish the monarchy to feel cheated and those who wanted to retain the feudal structure to feel betrayed
Who was Marie Antoinette?
- the wife of Louis XVI
- also the sister of the Emperor of Austria