Chapter 24 Flashcards
malintzin / doña marina
spanish woman who was fluent in maya and native nahuatl language and was thus able to help hernán cortés communicate in central mexico. aka la malinche (traitor)
most prominent people in the caribbean when spanish mariners arrived, cultivated manioc and other crops
island of hispaniola
made base of spanish operations in the caribbean by christopher columbus.
santo domingo
in hispaniola, capital of spanish caribbean
institution that helped recruit labor, gave spanish settlers the right to compel the taíno to work in their mines or fields in return of looking after workers’ health
spanish settlers
hernán cortes
captured tenochtitlan and brought down the aztec empire
motecuzoma’s nephew, last aztec emperor
francisco pizarro
led spanish expedition from central america to peru and brought down inca empire
huascar and atahualpa
two brothers within inca ruling house who disputed
inca ruler who was killed by francisco pizarro
spanish king’s representatives in the americas, had power
review of courts by university-educated lawyers for viceroys
treaty of tordesillas
signed by spain and portugal, divided world along imaginary north-south line (spain: west, portugal: east)
pedro alvares de cabral
portuguese mariner, stopped in brazil en route to india
amazon basin and paraguay
native ppls produced little agricultural surplus, no mineral deposits to attract european migrants
the seven years’ war
ended with french colony in canada falling under british control
raid of 1622
native ppls killed 1/3 of english settlers in chesapeake region
edward waterhouse
survived raid of 1622, wanted to kill native ppls
mixed society (iberian colonies)
born of portuguese and african parents
born of indigenous and african parents
migrants born in europe from iberian peninsula, stood at top of social hierarchy in spanish and portuguese colonies
criollos / creoles
born in americas of iberian parents, second in social hierarchy in spanish and portuguese colonies
mixed ppl in french colonies in north america
spanish prospectors found large vein of silver near potosí, began mining, and led to potosí becoming a boomtown
mita system
inca practice of requisitioning draft labor used by the spanish to recruit workers for dangerous chores that free laborers would not accept
where the spanish government reserved a fifth of the silver production for itself
hacienda / estate
most prominent site of agricultural and craft production in spanish america, produced foodstuffs for its own use as well as for sale
pueblo revolt
native groups in northern mexico mounted a large uprising led by a native shaman called popé, driving spanish settlers out of the region
túpac amaru
last of inca rulers, there was a revolt in his name that lasted for two years
felipe guaman poma de ayala
native of peru, sent letter to king philip iii of spain asking for protection for native peoples against rapacious colonists
sugar mill in colonial brazil. planters and owners were a privileged class
north american fur trade
european mariners exploited northern lands when they found an entrance to fur-producing regions through the hudson strait and the hudson bay. indigenous ppls traded fur for manufactured goods like firearms
beaver wars
iroquois wanted to expand hunting grounds at expense of the hurons and others to monopolize the fur trade with europeans, leading to conflict
taíno smoked leaves of a local plant through a pipe called a tobago
jean nicot
french diplomat who introduced tobacco use to paris
franciscan missionaries
12 arrived in mexico and founded a school in tlatelolco to educate sons of noble families in latin, spanish, and christian doctrine
bustling market district of aztec capital of tenochtitlan
bernardino de sahagún
preserved volumes of information about the language and beliefs of mexico before arrival of spanish forces
juan diego
saw virgin mary on a hill near mexico city. site became popular.
virgin of guadalupe
powerful symbol of mexican nationalism, gained reputation for working miracles on behalf of individuals who visited her shrine
terra australis incognita
unknown southern land (australia)
dutch voc (east india company)
authorized exploratory voyages to australia
jan carstenz
dutch mariner who said australia was barren
james cook
charted australia
ferdinand magellan
him and his crew became first europeans to cross pacific ocean
manila galleons called regularly at guam
opposed roman catholicism but after smallpox, relocated into communities supervised by spanish authorities
european mariners engaged in sexual relations with tahitian women in exchange for nails and knives