periglacial processes Flashcards
occur in areas of permifrost as the ground starts to thaw
- the layer of permifrost is impermeable
- if the tempreture rises, the active layer melts away but the meltwater cannot drain away
- theu active layer becomes waterlogged and heaver and flows reletavly easily. this can occur whereever there is a gradient
solufluction produces …
lobe formations
- this is where one section of soil moves faster than the soil around it often because it is on steeper ground
- the faster flowing section forms a tongue shape
freeze thaw weathering
- water settles in the cracks of rocks.
- the volume of water expands by 9% when it freezes
- the ice thaws when the temp rises
- this continual cycle of freezing and thawing will weaken and shatter the rock causing it to shatter ( frost shattering)
frost heave
when the ground thaws, the soil particals moce vertically downwards, meaning end up further down the slope.
nivation makes holloes in a sloped landscape deeber by freezing and thawing.
* when snow collects in a hollow, freeze thaw weathering can cause erosion
* frost-shattering breaks bits off the rock at the base of the hollow
* when the snow melts, the meltwater carries the broken bits of rock away
* eventually the hollow becomes deeper and wider
wind erosion (aeolian)
- strong winds are likely to be in periglacial landscapes due to there being few tall trees to act as windbreaks
- wind erosion can break up loose till and weaken features of rocky landscapes
meltwater erosion
happens mostly in the summer when there are greater rates of ablation and meltwater discharge is far higher