glacial deposition - landforms Flashcards
lateral moraine
deposited where the sides of the glacier once were
much of the moraine will have freeze thaw weathering acting on the valley sides
medial morraine
the medial morraine is deposited in the centre of the valley where two glaciers meet/converg
medieal morraine is two lateral moraines joined together, made from weathered material of the valley sides.
its found in lines parallel to the ice flow
terminal moraine
- builds up at the end of the glacier in semi-circular hillocks of till
- it is highly likely that streams of meltwater will have cut the semi-circle into a series of hills
- ## these hills will be steeper on the upglacier side as the glacier woulf have deposited more material there once the hill had started to fomm
recessional moraine
- Recessional Moraine: A ridge of glacial debris left behind during pauses in a glacier’s retreat.
- Location: Forms behind the terminal moraine (the furthest point the glacier reached).
- Formation: shows the movement of the glaciers snout as it stops and deposits debris while retreating up the valley, leaving multiple ridges of glacial till
area previously covered in ice
- can be 1500m long and 100m high
- have parralel orientation to the directio of glacial flow
- they occer in large clusters known as swarms
- the upglacier (stoss) end is wide and tall
- the downglacier (lee) is narrow and low
how drumlin was formed
- drumlin might start forming when till (glacial debris) collects around a rock or small hill sticking up at the glacier’s base.
- When the glacier re-advances over this mound, it pushes and smooths the till around the obstacle, creating a streamlined, elongated shape.
- The steep end of a drumlin faces the direction the glacier came from (stoss side), while the gentler slope points in the direction the glacier was moving (lee side).