glacial erosions Flashcards
Plucking happens when a glacier moves over bedrock that has cracks. The ice melts a bit and refreezes around the protuding rocks.
As the glacier moves forward, it pulls these rocks away, leaving a rough, jagged surface behind.
roche moutonee
- occurs when debris carried by a glacer scrapes the valley walls and floor.
- the scraping of one rock against another can leave behind striations on the rock face
- striations record the direction in which the glacier moved
crushing is where the weight of ice exerts pressure on the bedrock below
- it chips the rock into large fragments
- fractures in the rock can deepen and expand, this is called dialation
basal melting
(meltwater erosion)
meltwater can cause abrasion, erosion by hydrolic action, attrition and corrosion
When meltwater is under high pressure, it can carve out channels and hollows beneath the glacier
freeze-thaw weathering
creates cracks in rocks by water moving into a crack, freezing and expanding by 9%, then thaws when the temperature rises
this continuous cylce weekens the rock causing it to shatter