Perception 4 Flashcards
Perception of sound
Experience we have when we hear
Physical sound
Pressure changes in air or medium caused by vibration of an object
Pure tone occurs when
Change in air/medium caused by vibration of an object
Characteristics of sound
Amplitude, frequency, sound waves
Size of variation in air pressure effects loudness
Number of cycles per second, related to pitch
Sound waves
Sine waves combining
Natural sounds are made up of
Fundamental frequency
Fundamental frequency
Superimposed by additional waveforms with higher frequencies
Sound frequencies cause vibration in specific area along basilar membrane
Low frequency
Is near apex
High frequency
Near base
Frequency is signaled
When auditory nerves respond
Pitch is determined
By fundamental frequency of sound
Pitch is determined
By fundamental frequency of sound
Phase locking
Auditory nerve responses synchronize to change in pressure up to frequencies of about 400 Hz
Dictated by the number, frequency ratio, relative amplitudes of the harmonics
The missing fundamental illusion
We perceive a pitch consistent with the missing fundamental frequency