Pelvis, Perineum, LE, Foot Muscles Flashcards
Quadratus Lumborum
O: Lumbar transv. processes
I: Iliac Crest
Innv: lumbar plexus (T-12-L4
Psoas Major
O: T12, L1-L5
I: Lesser trochanter of femur
Innv: Lumbar Plexus (L1, L2, L3)
O: Iliac Fossa and Crest
I: Lesser trochanter of femur
Innv: Femoral n.
O: Anterior sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament
I: Greater trochanter of femur
Innv: Nerve to piriformis (S1-S2)
Obturator Internus
O: Deep obturator membrane and bone
I: Greater trochanter of femur
Innv: Nerve to obturator internus
Obturator externus
O: External obturator membrane and bone
I: Greater trochanter of femur
Innv: obturator nerve
Superior gemellus
O: ischial spine
I: greater trochanter
Innv: nerve to obturator internus
inferior gemellus
O: ischial tuberosity
I: greater trochanter of femur
Innv: nerve to quadratus femoris
Quadratus femoris
O: ischial tuberosity
I: superior femur
Innv: nerve to quadratus femoris
Gluteus maximus
O: ilium, sacrum and coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament
I: ischiotibial tract, gluteal tuberosity
Innv: inferior gluteal nerve
Gluteus medius
O: external ilium
I: greater trochanter of femur
Innv: superior gluteal nerve
Gluteus minimus
O: external ilium
I: Greater trochanter of femur
Innv: superior gluteal nerve
Tensor fasciae latae
O: ASIS, iliac crest
I: IT tract to lateral condyle of tibia
Innv: superior gluteal nerve
Rectus femoris
I: patella tibial tuberosity
Innv: Femoral n.
Vastus Lateralis
O: Greater trochanter of femur, lateral lip of linea aspera
I: patella, tibial tuberosity
Innv: Femoral n.
Vastus Medialis
O: intertrochanteric line, medial lip of linea aspera
I: patella, tibial tuberosity
Innv: Femoral n.
Vastus intermedius
O: femoral shaft
I: patella, tibial tuberosity
Innv: Femoral n.
I: superior tibia
Innv: Femoral n.
O: superior pubic ramus
I: pectineal line of femur
Innv: femoral n.
O: pubis
I: tibia
Innv: obturator n.
adductor longus
O: pubis
I: middle 1/3 of linea aspera
Innv: obturator n.
adductor brevis
O: pubis
I: middle 1/3 of linea aspera
Innv: obturator n.
adductor magnus - adductor part
O: ischiopubic ramus
I: gluteal tuberosity and proximal linea aspera
Innv: obturator n.
adductor magnus - hamstring part
O: ischial tuberosity
I: adductor tubercle of femur
Innv: tibial division of sciatic n.
O: ischial tuberosity
I: proximal tibia
Innv: tibial division of sciatic n.
O: ischial tuberosity
I: posterior medial condyle of tibia
Innv: tibial division of sciatic n.
biceps femoris long head
O: ischial tuberosity
I: head of fibula
Innv: tibial division of siatic n.
biceps femoris short head
O: linea aspera
I: head of fibula
Innv: common fibular division of sciatic n.
O: lateral head - lateral femoral condyle, medial head - popliteal surface of femur
I: calcaneal tuberosity
Innv: tibial n.
O: tibia, posterior fibular head
I: calcaneal tuberosity
Innv: tibial n.
O: lateral supracondylar line of femur
I: calcaneal tuberosity
Innv: tibial n.
O: lateral condyle of femur, lateral meniscus
I: proximal tibia
Innv: tibial n.
flexor digitorum longus
O: medial posterior tibia
I: base of distal phalanges of lateral 4 digits
Innv: tibial n.
flexor hallucis longus
O: posterior surface of fibula and IO membrane
I: distal phalanx of hallux
Innv: tibial n.
tibialis posterior
O: posterior surface of IO membrane, tibia and fibula
I: navicular
Innv: tibial n.
tibialis anterior
O: lateral condyle and lateral tibia, IO membrane
I: medial cuneiform, base of 1st metatarsal
Innv: deep fibular n.
extensor digitorum longus
O: proximal anterior fibula and IO membrane, lateral condyle of tibia
I: middle and distal phalanges of digits 2-5
Innv: deep fibular n.
extensor digitorum brevis
O: dorsal calcaneus
I: extensor expansions of digits 2-4
Innv: deep fibular n.
extensor hallucis longus
O: anterior fibula and IO membrane
I: base of distal phalanx of hallux
Innv: deep fibular n.
extensor hallucis brevis
O: dorsal surface of calcaneus
I: base of proximal phalanx of hallux
Innv: deep fibular n.
fibularis tertius
O: inferior 1/3 of anterior fibula and IO membrane
I: base of 5th metatarsal
Innv: deep fibular n.
fibularis longus
O: head and superior 2/3 of lateral fibula
I: base of 1st meditarsal and medial cuneiform
Innv: superficial fibular n.
fibularis brevis
O: inferior 2/3 of lateral fibula
I: tuberosity at base of metatarsal 5
Innv: superficial fibular n.
abductor hallucis
1st layer
O: calcaneal tuberosity
I: base of proximal phalanx of hallus
Innv: medial plantar n.
flexor digitorum brevis
1st layer
O: calcaneal tuberosity
I: middle phalanges of digits 2-5
Innv: medial plantar n.
Flexor hallucis brevis
3rd layer
O: cuboid, lateral cuneiform
I: sides of proximal phalanx of hallux
Innv: medial plantar n.
aductor digiti minimi
1st layer
O: calcaneal tuberosity
I: proximal phalanx of 5th digit
Innv: lateral plantar n.
quadratus plantae
2nd layer
O: plantar surface of calcaneus
I: lateral side of tendon of flexor digitorum longus
Innv: lateral plantar n.
adductor hallucis
3rd layer
O: transverse head - lateral 3 MTP joints, Oblique head - bases of metatarsals 2-4
I: base of proximal phalanx of hallux
Innv: lateral plantar n.
flexor digiti minimi brevis
3rd layer
O: base of 5th metatarsal
I: proximal phalanx of digit 5
Innv: lateral plantar n.
3rd plantar interossei
4th layer
O: medial sides of metatarsals 3-5
I: medial sides of bases of proximal phalanges of digits 3-5
Innv: lateral plantar n.
4th dorsal interossei
4th layer
O: adjacent sides of metatarsals 1-5
I: 1st - medial side of proximal phalanx of digit 2, 2-4th - lateral sides of proximal phalanges of digits 2-4
Innv: lateral plantar n.
4 lumbricals
2nd layer
O: tendons of flexor digitorum longus
I: extensor expansions of digits 2-5
Innv: 1st - medial plantar n., 2nd-4th: lateral plantar n.
Posterior Compartment of Thigh
Muscles, Origin Rules, Action rules, Innervation, Exceptions
Muscles: Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, Biceps Femoris (Long and short heads),
Origin: Ischial Tuberosity
Action: Extend Hip, Flex Knee
Innervation: Tibial n.
Exceptions: Biceps Femoris Short Head (common fib. n., only flex knee),
Posterior Compartment of Leg
Muscles, Action, Innervation, Exceptions
Muscles: Gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris, popliteus, Flexor digitorum longus, Flexor hallicus longus, Tibialis posterior
Actions: Plantarflex ankle, flex toes
Innervation: Tibial n. (sural cutaneous sensation)
Exceptions: Tibialis posterior (invertor), gastrocnemius, poplitius (knee flexor)
Layer 1 foot
Abductor hallucis, abductor digiti mini, flexor digitorum brevis
Layer 2 foot
tendon of flexor hallucis longus, tendon of flexor digitorum longus, quadratus plantae, lumbricals
Layer 3 foot
flexor hallucis brevis, adductor hallucis (oblique and transverse heads), flexor digit minimi brevis
Layer 4 foot
Plantar Interossei (3, PAD), Dorsal Interossei (4, DAB)
Anterior Compartment of Thigh
Muscles, Action, Innervation, Exception
Muscles: Rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis, Iliopsoas, Sartorius, Pectineus
Action: Flex hip, extend knee
Innv: Femoral n. (ant. cutaneous and saphenous cutaneous innv)
Exceptions: Pectineus (may receive obturator n., doesnt extend knee)
Medial Compartment of Thigh
Muslces, Origin, Action, Innervation, Exceptions
Muscles: Adductor longus, Adductor brevis, Adductor magnus (Adductor part), Gracilis, Obturator Externus
Origin: Pubis
Action: Adduction of hip
Innervation: Obturator n.
Exceptions: Adductor Magnus (1/2 obturator n, 1/2 tibial n., hamstrings part extends hip), Gracilis (knee flexion), obturator externus (lateral rotation of hip)
Anterior Compartment of the Leg
Muscles, Actions, Innervation, Exceptions
Muscles: Tibialis Anterior, Extensor Hallucis Longus, extensor Digitorum Longus, Fibularis Tertius
Actions: Dorsiflex Ankle, Extend Toes
Innervation: Deep fibular n.
Exceptions: Fibularis Tertius (evertor), Tibialis Anterior (invertor)
Lateral Compartment of Leg
Muscles, Actions, Innervation
Muscles: Fibularis longus, Fibularis brevis,
Actions: Plantarflex ankle, evert food
Innv: superficial fibular n.
Steps of Gait
Double Support 1 –> Single Support (stance) –> Double Support 2 –> Swing
Gait: Gluteus Maximus
Stabilizes trunk to prevent jack-kniffing.
Lurch gait occurs via injury to inferior gluteal nerve
Gait: Quadriceps
Stabilize knee during Single Support
Gait: Gluteus medius and minimus
Stabilize pelvis in SS
Waddling gait occurs via injury to superior gluteal nerve
Gait: SF Plantarflexors
accelerate body up and forward (push-off muscles)
Gait: Iliopsoas
Initiates limb swing
Gait: Hamstrings
Decelerate and reposition swinging limb
Gait: Dorsiflexors
prevent toe drag in limb swing, position foot for heel strike, prevent foot drop
Steppage gait occurs via injury deep fibular nerve, lack of heel strike