Muscles of Upper Extremity Flashcards
Origin, Insertion, Innervation and Action of UE Muscles
Pectoralis Major
O: Clavicular head - medial half of clavicle, Sternocostal head: sternum, superior costal cartilages
I: Lateral lip of intertubercular sulcus of humerus
Innervation: Clavicular head: lateral pectoral nerve, Sternocostal head: medial pectoral nerve
A: adduct and medially rotate arm; flex clavicular head
Pectoralis minor
O: ribs 3-5
I: coracoid process of scapula
Innervation: medial pectoral nerve
A: stabilize scapula
O: Rib 1
I: subclavian groove on inferior clavicle
Innervation: nerve to subclavius
A: depress clavicle
O: spine of scapula, acromion, lateral third of clavicle
I: deltoid tuberosity of humerus
Innervation: axillary nerve
A: Spinal part - extension and lateral rotation, Clavicular part - flexion and medial rotation, Acromial part - abduction of arm
Teres Major
O: posterior surface of inferior angle
I: medial lip of intertubercular sulcus of humerus
Innervation: lower subscapular nerve
A: Adduction and medial rotation of arm
O: supraspinous fossa of scapula
I: greater tubercle of humerus
Innervation: suprascapular nerve
A: initiates abduction of arm up to 15 degrees, stabilize glenohumeral joint
O: Infraspinous fossa of scapula
I: greater tubercle of humerus
Innervation: suprascapular nerve
A: laterally rotate arm, stabilize glenohumeral joint
Teres minor
O: middle part of lateral border of scapula
I: greater tubercle of humerus
Innervation: axillary nerve
A: laterally rotate arm, stabilize glenohumeral joint
O: subscapular fossa of scapula
I: lesser tubercle of humerus
Innervation: upper, lower scapular nerves
A: medially rotate and adduct arm, stabilize glenohumeral joint
Serratus Anterior
O: Ribs 1-8
I: Inferior Angle and medial border of scapula
Innervation: Long Thoracic Nerve
Action: Primary glenoid-up rotator of scapula; Anchors scapula to thoracic wall by protracting & depressing scapula
Biceps Brachii
O: Long head- supraglenoid tubercle, Short head - coracoid process
I: radial tuberocity, bicipital aponeurosis
Innv: musculocutaneous nerve
O: coracoid process
I: medial surface of mid-shaft of humerus
Innv: musculocutaneous nerve
O: distal half of anterior humerus
I: coronoid process and tuberosity of ulna
Innv: musculocutaneous nerve
Pronator teres
O: medial epicondyle of humerus, coronoid process of ulna
I: lateral surface of radius
Innv: median nerve
Flexor carpi radialis
O: medial epicondyle of humerus
I: base of 2nd metacarpal
Innv: median nerve
palmaris longus
O: medial epicondule of humerus
I: palmar aponeurosis
Innv: median nerve
flexor digitorum superficialis
O: medial epicondyle of humerus, coronoid process, shaft of radius
I: middle phalanges of digits 2-5
Innv: median nerve
flexor pollicis longus
O: radius, interosseous membrane
I: distal phalanx of digit 1
Innv: median nerve
flexor carpi ulnaris
O: medial epicondyle of humerus, olecranon process of ulna
I: pisiform, hook of hamate, base of 5th metacarpal
Innv: ulnar nerve
flexor digitorum profundus
O: ulna, interosseous membrane
I: distal phalanges of 2-5
Innv: lateral 1/2- median nerve, medial 1/2- ulnar nerve
pronator quadratus
O: distal anterior ulna
I: distal anterior radius
Innv.: median nerve