Pelvic Girdle and Lower Appendages 3.2.4 Flashcards
What is the calcaneus?
The heel bone
-largest tarsal bone
What are the coxal bones?
Bones of the hips
-left and right
What is a cuboid?
Located on the lateral aspect of the distal rows for tarsals
-roughly cuboidal shape
-can cause pain if out of place
What are cuneiforms?
Located anterior to the navicular and medial to the cuboid bones
-3 cuneiforms
The largest medial cuneiform is the largest and most medial
What is the femur?
The thigh bone, and is the longest bone in the body
-strong bone
-fracture femurs are only caused in serious situations, and needs surgery to repair
What is the fibula?
Bone of the calf
-The second leg bone
-located posterior and lateral tibia
-serves as an attachment for many muscles
-does not bear any significant weight for the body (the tibia is stronger)
What is the hallux?
The big toe
-only has two phalanges
(The other 4 toes have 3 phalanges)
digits = toes
What is ilium?
The broad bone that makes up the superior portion of the bone
superior = direction toward the head
What is ischium?
The curved bone at the base of the hip bone
What are the metatarsals?
Connect the bones of the ankle to the bones of the toes
-5 metatarsals
(similar to hands)
What is navicular?
Located on the medial aspect of the foot
-touches the cuboid bone
-important for many motions of the foot
What is the pelvic girdle?
The collection of bones that connect the lower appendages to the axial skeleton
-known as hip girdle or hip
What is the pelvis?
The portion of the body consisting of the coxal bones (plus two bones from the spine)
-is a sturdy base for the torso
-protects organs of the pelvic cavity
-women tend to have wider a pelvis for pregnancy purposes
-men have a taller and narrower pelvis compared to women
What are phalanges?
Bones of the toes
(similar to hands)
What is pubis?
The most anterior bone out of three on the hip bone
anterior = front of
What are tarsals?
Irregularly shaped bones located within the ankle
What is the pubic symphysis?
A cartilaginous disc that joins the two pelvic bones
-provides stability and flexibility necessary for the movement of the legs
What is the tibia?
The shin bone
-larger and more anterior bone of the leg
What is the talus?
Located above the calcaneus
-ankle bone
-second largest tarsal bone
-responsible for transferring the weight of the body to the feet