Peers, Romantic relationships and lifestyles Flashcards
Individuals who are about the same age or maturity level.
Problems and Disorders The types of friends adolescents have are linked to whether adolescents engage in substance abuse and delinquency.
Family Parents play an important role in adolescents’ peer relations.
The extent to which children and adolescents are liked or disliked by their peer group.
sociometric status
Children who are frequently nominated as a best friend and are rarely disliked by their peers.
popular children
Children who receive an average number of both positive and negative nominations from their peers.
average children
Children who are infrequently nominated as a best friend but are not disliked by their peers.
neglected children
Children who are infrequently nominated as a best friend and are actively disliked by their peers.
rejected children
Children who are frequently nominated both as a best friend and as being disliked.
controversial children
One aspect of _______ in adolescence is adolescent egocentrism.
Social Cognition
Adolescent development is influenced by reciprocal interaction between person/ cognitive, environmental, and behavioral factors.
Bandura’s social cognitive theory
The use of a combination of techniques, rather than a single approach, to improve adolescents’ social skills; also called coaching.
conglomerate strategies
A subset of peers who engage in mutual companionship, support, and intimacy.
Small groups that range from 2 to about 12 individuals and average about 5 to 6 individuals. Members are usually of the same sex and are similar in age; cliques can form because of similar interests, such as sports, and also can form purely from friendship.
A larger group structure than cliques. Adolescents are usually members of a crowd based on reputation and may or may not spend much time together.
Love in which an individual
desires to have another person near and has
a deep, caring affection for that person; also
called companionate love.
affectionate love
Love that has strong sexual
and infatuation components; also called
passionate love or eros. It often predominates
in the early part of a love relationship.
romantic love
The cognitive models that
adolescents and adults use to guide and
evaluate dating interactions.
dating scripts
Living together in a sexual
relationship without being married.