ACHIEVEMENT, WORK, AND CAREERS chapter 11 Flashcards
Internal motivational
factors such as self-determination, curiosity,
challenge, and effort.
intrinsic motivation
extrinsic motivation
External motivational
factors such as rewards and punishments.
Csikszentmihalyi’s concept of optimal life
experiences, which he believes occur most
often when people develop a sense of mastery
and are absorbed in a state of concentration
when they’re engaged in an activity.
The theory that in their
effort to make sense of their own behavior or
performance, individuals are motivated to
discover its underlying causes.
attribution theory
An outlook in which
individuals focus on the task rather than on
their ability; they concentrate on learning
strategies and the process of achievement
instead of the outcome.
mastery orientation
An outlook in which
individuals seem trapped when experiencing
difficulty and attribute their difficulty to a lack
of ability. This orientation undermines
helpless orientation
An outlook in which individuals are focused on winning rather than a specific achievement outcome. For performance-oriented students, winning results in happiness.
performance orientation
The cognitive view, either fixed or
growth, that individuals develop for themselves
The belief that one can master a
situation and produce positive outcomes.
Individuals who are usually older
and more experienced and are motivated to
improve the competence and character of a
younger person.
A vague, highly unpleasant feeling of
fear and apprehension.
Use of failure avoidance
strategies such as not trying in school or
putting off studying until the last minute so that
circumstances, rather than a lack of ability, will
be seen as the cause of low-level performance.