Peds Derm Cases Flashcards
WHat are the traits of cUtis Aplasia?
Sharply marginated area
Devt Defect
Tx w/ excision and may need a hair transplant
What are the traits of Dermal Melanocytosis?
Blue/Black or greenish colored Macules
on back and buttocks
Fade w/ time
What are the traits of ear anomalies in newborns?
Hearing screen
ligate if not painful
What are the traits of Erythema Toxicum Neonatum?
Blotchy erythematous macule 2-3 cm w/ a tiny 1-4 mm central vesicle
Arms/legs/trunk (No palms/ soles)
NOT Present @ birth Resolves
What are the traits of Transient Neonatal Pustular Melanosis
Present @ birth
Vesicles or Pustules w/ surrounding scales or pigmented macules
can be on Palms and Soles
What are the traits of Acne Neonatorum?
Not present @ birth
Mult Discrete Papules
What are the traits of Acne Vulgaris?
Comedonal: Black/whiteheads
Inflammatory: Erythematous papules, nodules or cysts
What is the best tx of comeodonal acne?
Benzoyl Peroxide
What is the MOA of Retinoids?
Normalize Desquamation of follicular epithelium. Prevents new comeodonal formation
What are the traits of Sturge Weber Syndrome?
Port Wine Stains, seizures and retardation
Hemiparesis later
CT if over the Trigeminal nerve part 1.
What are the traits of Cafe Au lait spots?
Tan, Flat oval macules or patches w/ distinct borders
Benign unless >5 (NF1)
What are the traits of NF T1?
> 6 cafe au lait spots >5 mm in prepuberty >15 mm in post pub
Optic Glioma
2 lisch nodules
What Are Ash leaf spots associated with?
Tuberous sclerosis
Posterior Trunk and Exteremities
What are the Skin signs of Tuberous sclerosis?
Ash Leaf Spots
Facial Angiofibromas
Shagreen Patch
What are the guidelines of Sun protection for kids
No sunscreen for babies under 6mo
Keep babies out of direct sunlight
Clothing covers body
What are the guidelines of Sun protection for kids >6mon?
sunscreen of>15spf
Reapply suncereen every 2hrs or after swimming or sweating
Hat w/ 3 in brim