peds Flashcards
anterior fontanel closes
12 - 18 months
posterior fontanel closes
2 - 3 months
earlobe positioned to view auditory canal in child
down and back
cups of milk 15 mo toddler should consume daily
2 - 3
best friend stage occurs at what stage
9 - 10
major causes of accidents in children up to 1 year x3
major cause of accidents 6 - 12 years
motor vehicle accident (more active)
school age child requires how many calories per day on average
how much earlier do girls experience onset of adolescence
1 - 2 years
obtaining vitals (peds)
least invasive first, observe before touching/talking
RR *
HR *
- count for 1 full minute (irregularities)
temperature routes (peds) x4
rectal ( under 2 )
axillary ( alt to oral )
oral ( start 5 - 6 )
tympanic ( all )
observable signs of respiratory dysfunction (peds)
- accessory muscle use
- nasal flaring
- circumoral pallor (around mouth)
- sternal retraction
- cap refill greater than 3 seconds
if child is grunting do what?
assist into position of comfort (tripoding)
most common type of croup experienced by peds admitted to hospital
primary affects kids under 5; viral
causative viruses of laryngotracheobronchitis
laryngotracheobronchitis s/s
slight to severe dyspnea
barking / brassy cough
increased temperature
amount of distress depends on degree of airway obstruction
laryngotracheobronchitis treatment (mild)
at home
- steam (hot showers)
- night car rides, windows down
- cool-temp therapy (constricts edematous blood vessels)
laryngotracheobronchitis treatment (severe)
nebulized epinephrine (racemic epi) = vasoconstrict edematous blood vessels
corticosteroids (decrease airway inflammation)
serious obstructive inflammatory process in 2 - 5 yo
epiglottitis key s/s
absence of cough
rapid progression to severe resp distress
epiglottitis vs laryngotracheobronchitis kids
epiglottitis kids look worse than they sound
laryngotracheobronchitis kids sounds worse than they look
nebulized epinephrine
aka racemic epinephrine; vasoconstriction of edematous blood vessels in kids with severe laryngotracheobronchitis
rapid onset
improvement in 10 - 15 minutes
(observe for relapse; ~2 hours)
respiratory syncytial virus
acute viral infection affecting bronchioles
RSV bronchiolitis or RSV pneumonia
more serious in very young (leading cause lower resp tract illness in under 2)
RSV is more serious in who?
very young
leading cause of lower respiratory tract illness in children less than 2 years
RSV s/s
important to know onset bc will become worse on days 2 - 3
progressively worse: URI snot mild fever dyspnea non-prod cough tachypnea (flaring nares) retraction, possible wheezing
RSV will become worse…
on days 2 - 3
disease marked by inflammation of lungs
viral pneumonia (peds)
RSV, adenovirus, parainfluenza
bacterial pneumonia (peds)
usually strep pneumo
children under 4 = greatest % attacks
mycotic pneumonia (peds)
“walking pneumo” - mostly adolescents
mycoplasma pneumonia
aspiration pneumonia
something other than air has gotten into lungs
pneumonia s/s (peds)
fine crackles/rhonchi + cough that is prod or not
decreased or absent breath sounds
abd distension
back pain
fever (usually very high)
chest pain
pneumonia tx (peds)
depends on type
- ABCs always priority
- oxygen
- fluids - hydrate to move secretions
- abx for bacterial
- supportive care: hydration, antipyretics, nebulizers (appropriate for viral)
inflammation and constriction of airways resulting in obstruction