Pediatrics Flashcards
Nontender abdominal mass associated with elevating vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) and homovanillic acid (HVA)
The most common type of tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF).Classic presentation?
Esophageal atresia with disal TEF (85%). Unable to pass NG tube
Not contraindications to vaccination
Mild illness and/or low-grade fever, current antibioti therapy, and prematurity
Tests to rule out abusive head trauma
Opthalmologic exam, CT, and MRI
A neonate has meconium ileus
Cystic fibrosis (Hirschsprung disease is associated with failure to pass meconium for 48 hours)
Bilious emesis withn hours after the first feeding
Duodenal atresia
A 2-months-old baby presents with nonbilious projectile emesis. Diagnosis? What are the appropriate steps in management?
Pyloric stenosis. Hydrate and correct metabolic abnormalities; then correct pyloric stenosis with pylormyotomy
The most common1° immunodeficiency
Selective IgA deficiency
An infant has a high fever and onset of rash as fever breaks. What is he at risk for?
Febrile seizures (due to roseola infantum)
What is th immunodeficiency?
A boy has chronic respratory infections. Nitroblue tetrazolium test is negative
Chronic granulomatous disease
What is the immunodeficiency?
A child has eczema, thrombocytopenia, and high levels of IgA
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
What is the immunodeficiency?
A 4-month-old boy has life-threatening Pseudomonas infection
Bruton’s X-linked agammagloblinemia
Acute-phase treatment for Kawasaki disease
High-dose ASA for inflammation and fever; IVIG to prevent coronary aneurysms
Treatment for mild and severe unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
Phototherapy (mild) or exchange transusion (sever). (Do not use phototherapy for conjugated hyperbilirubinemia)
Sudden onset of mental status changes, emesis, and liver dysfunction after ASA intake
Reye syndrome
A child has loss of red light reflex (white pupil). Diagnosis? The child has an eleveted risk of what cancer?
Suspect retinoblastoma. Osteosarcoma.
Vaccinations at a 6-month well-child visit
HBV, DTaP, Hib, IPV, PCV, rotavirus
Tanner stage 3 in a 6-year -old girl
Precocious puberty
infection of small airways with epidemics in winter and spring
RSV bronchiolitis
Cause of neonatal RDS.
Surfactant deficiency
Red “currant-jelly” stools, colcky abdominal pain, bious vomiting, and a sausage-shaped mass in the RUQ
A congenital heart disease that causes 2° hypertension. What would you find on physical examination?
Coarctation of the aorta; lowerd femoral pulses
First-line tratment for otitis media
The most common pathogen causing croup
parainfluenza virus type 1
A homeless child is small for his age and has peeling skin and a swollen belly
Kwashiorkor (protein malnutrition)
Defect in an X-linked syndrome with mental retardation, gout, selfmutilation, and choreoathetosis
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (purine salvage problem with HGPRTase deficiency)
A newborn girl has a continuous “machinery murmur”. What drug would you give?
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Indomethacin is given to close the PDA
A newborn girl with a posterior neck mass and swelling of the hands
Turner syndrome
A young child presents with proximal muscle weakness, waddling gait, and pronounded calf muscles
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
A first-born female who was born in breech position is found to have asymmetric skin folds on newborn exam. Diagosis? Treatment?
Developmental dysplasia of the hip. If seere, consider a Pavlik harness to maintain abduction
An 11-year-old obese African American boy presets with sudden onset of limp Diagnosis? Workup?
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis. AP and frog-leg lateral radiographs.
An active 13-year-old boy has anterior knee pain,Diagnosis?
Osgood-Schlatter disease