Emergency Medicine Flashcards
)Class of drugs that may cause syndrome of muschle rigidity, hyperthermia, autonomic instability, and extrapyramidal symptoms
Antipsychotics (neuroleptic malignant syndrome)
Side effects of corticosteroids
Acute mania, immunosuppression , thin skin, osteoporosis, easy bruising, myopathies
Treatment for DTs
Treatment for acetaminophen overdose
Treatment for opioid overdose
Treatment for benzodiazepine overdose
Flumazenil (monitor for withdrawal and seizures)
Treatment for neuroleptic malignant syndrome and malignant hyperthermia
Treatment of atrial fibrilation
Rate control rhythm conversion, and anticoagulation
Treatment of supraventricular tachycardia
If stable, rate control with carotid massage or other vagal stimulation, if unsuccessful, consider adenosine
Cause of drug-induced SLE
INH, penicillamine, hydralazine procainamide, chlorpromazine, methyldopa, quinidine
Macrocytic megaloblastic anemia with neurologic symproms
B12 deficiency
Macrocytic megaloblastic anemia without neurologic symptoms
Folate deficiency
A burn patient presents with cherrry-red, flushed skin and coma. SaO2 is normal but carboxygemoglobin is elevated. Treatment?
Treat CO poisoning with 100% O2 or with hyperbaric O2 if poisoning is severe or the patient is pregnant
Test to rule out urethral infury
Retrograde cystourethrogram
Radiographic evidence of aortic disruption or dissecction
Widened mediastinum (>8cm), loss of aortic knob, pleural cap, tracheal deviation to the right depression of left main stem bronchus