Pediatric MSK Flashcards
Toxic synovitis
- inflammation of the hip with insidious painful limp
- internal rotation of hip causes spasm, no redness/warmth/fever
- Tx: typically self-limiting, bedrest PRN and analgesics, hospitalize for suspected septic arthritis
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease (LCPD)
- necrosis of the femoral head
- insidious limp with knee pain that migrates up to groin/hip
- limited range of motion
- Tx: refer if older than 6yo or more than half of the femoral head is affected (seen on x-ray)- may require hip replacement; goal of treatment is to restore range of motion
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE)
- spontaneous dislocation of femoral head, generally without
- obese, sedentary, African American
- acute limited range of motion, pain from groin that migrates to knee, limb shortening
- x-ray, immediate referral to ortho, BED REST, often need ORIF
Genu Varum (Bowleg)
- normal variant until age 2
- refer to ortho if older than 2, unilateral, or progressive worsening
Genu valgum (knock knee)
- normal variant up to age 7
- x-ray and refer to ortho if over age 7 or if unilateral involvement
- rarely painful
- positive Adam’s Forward Bend Test (shows asymmetry)
- x-ray to check degree of curve
- refer if painful or curve is greater than 25 degrees
- may refer to PT for strengthening
Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH)
- Galeazzi’s or Allis’ sign
- Barlow until 6mo, Ortolani until 1yo
- may present as a limp when the child starts to walk
- decreased hip range of motion
- x-ray, refer to ortho (may need to splint with Pavlick harness)
Muscular dystrophy
- progressive neuromuscular disease
- average age of diagnosis is 3-5 years; rare in girls
- Gower’s maneuver, firm woody calves
- wheelchair by 12yo, eventual cardiopulmonary failure/death
- diagnosis: elevated CK, EMG, abnormal EKG, muscle
Ankle sprain
- stretching/tearing of the ligaments, typically lateral ligament
- usually related to a forced inversion or eversion
- x-ray according to Ottowa ankle rule
Gower’s maneuver
Child “walks” hands up legs to attain standing position when getting up; highly suggestive of muscular dystrophy; suggests pelvic girdle weakness
Ottowa Ankle Rule
x-ray indicated if pain near the malleoli AND bone tenderness is present at either malleolus or 6cm distal to it, OR if patient is unable to bear weight for at least 4 steps
Grade I ankle sprain
- stretching but no tearing of the ligament
- local tenderness, minimal swelling, full ROM remains (although may be uncomfortable), able to bear weight
Grade II ankle sprain
- partial tearing of the ligament
- localized edema and bruising, significant pain with weight bearing, ROM limited
Grade III ankle sprain
- complete ligament tearing; joint unstable
- severe pain, significant edema, profound bruising (worsens over several days), cannot bear weight, no ROM to ankle
Elbow fracture
- often assoc with FOOSH injury
- S/sx: “fat pad sign” or “sail sign” on x-ray suggests occult fracture- follow up with oblique views
- refer to ortho
Nursemaid elbow
- radial head subluxation (swinging child)
- holds arm across body with thumb up
- significant bruising and swelling justifies x-ray
- supportive care at home with NSAIDs (ER can put it back into joint)
Osgood-Schlatter Disease
- tibial tubercle inflammation with point tenderness, enlargement
- young athletes, rapid growth spurts
- self-limiting disease, limit activity to control pain, knee immobilizer