pcm 6 Flashcards
Viral infection transmitted by Tick
Anopheles species found in coastal region
Anopheles stephensi
Insecticide least toxic to man & most toxic to insects
DDT is
contact poisons - organo chlorine compound
Black fly causes
Culex mosquito transmits
japanese encephalitis
Paris green is used to eliminate the larva of
Which natural insecticide is used for space spray
Soft Tick transmits
Q fever
which is nuisance mosquito
Arrange d following - disaster impact-response-rehabilitation-mitigation
Post disaster commonly reported disease
Chernobyl nuclear explosion
26th april 1986 - I131,CS134,CS137,Sr90
Nausea,vomit,bleu line in gums,wrist/foot drop,pallor poison due to
Inorganic lead
MC occupation cancer in India
Burtonian’s line is seen in
Lead poisoning
Aniline dyes are associated with
Ca bladder
Bagassosis is caused by
sugarcane dust
Byssinosis is due to
cotton dust
White fingers may result from which occupational hazards
Respirable dust,responsible for pnemoconioses has size limit of
< 5 microns
Pnemoconiosis more prone to develop tuberculosis -
Under ESI act sickness benefit is given for a period of -
91 days
Immersion foot syndrome are seen in
Trench foot
Safety officers has to be appointed in factories where no.of workers is more than
Extended sickness benefit is given for
309 days
Useful screening test for lead is measurement of
coproprophyrine in Urine
Person working in hot environment who consumes more H2o without salt is likely to
Heat cramps
Indian constitution has declared that children less than —-yrs should not be employed in
factories or mines
14yrs ( ARTICLE 24 )
The extended sickness benefit is given for
309 days
Employee’s contribution of ESI fund is
Wrist drop may be caused as industrial hazard in
Battery industry
Monday fever associated with
Silicosis affects
Upper lobes of lungs
Dust particle in a industry is a
chemical hazard
Amniocentesis to detect chromosomal abnormalities can be done as early as
14th week of gestation
MC abused agent in India
Maximum loss of DALY occurs in which psychiatric disorder
Best method of teaching an urban slum about ORS
Ivory towers of disease
Large hospitals
3-Million plan was proposed by
Bhore committee
PHC was introduced as result of report
Bhore committee
3 months training in PSM during internship is recommended by
Bhore committee
Each subcenter 1 male & 1 female health worker is recommended by
Kartar singh com
Correct sequence planning-objective-goal-evaluation
Planning cycle -
analysis of existing health situation-assessment of resource -
programming & implementation-monitoring & evaluation
Correct sequence for communicating process - Sender-message-channel-receiverfeedback
Multipurpose worker scheme in India was introduced by
Kartar singh committee
PERT is a technique for
Network analysis
First referral unit is
One PHC is for population
Sub - centre is fro population
CHC is for population
Anganwadi is for population
Health guide works at the level of - Village for population of
Trained birth attendant is for a population of
No.of beds in a community health center is
Preparing slides for Malaria is performed only by
male MPW
Eligible couple regiter is maintained at
Population covered by PHCs in hilly(tribal) area
Emporiatrics deals with the health of -
Rabies free country is
Which of the following is used to present qualitative data
Pie chart
Which of the following is used to present quantitative data
Best way to study relationship between two variables - Scatter diagramcentile divides data into
100 equal parts
Mean,Median,mode are measures of central tendency
Bhore committee
Health survey & Development committee
Mudaliar committee -
Health survey & Planning committee
Jungalwallah committee
Committee on integration of Health services
Kartar singh committee
Committee on MPWs under health & family planning
Srivastava committee
Group on Medical education & support manpower
Krishnan committee
Integration of PHCs
Silicosis Silica dust
Anthracosis Coal dust
Asbestosis Asbestos dust
Bagassosis Sugar cane
Berylliosis Beryllium
Farmer’s lung Mouldy hay
Siderosis Iron dust
Byssinosis Cotton fibre
Stannosis Tin dust
Bird fancier’s lung Avian/bird droppings
Compost lung compost
Biomedical waste Biomedical waste
Human anatomical waste Incineration / deep burial
Animal waste Incineration / deep burial
Microbiology/biotechnology waste Local
Waste sharps Chemical treatment/autoclaving/microwave&mutilation/shredding
Discarded medicines&Cytotoxic drugs –Incineration/destruction/secured landfills
Soiled waste — Incineration/auto claving/microwave
Solid waste —- Chemical treatment/autoclaving/
Liquid waste- Chemical treatment
Incineration Ash- Sanitary landfill
Chemical waste -Chemical treatment&secured landfill
Agent Cancer caused Asbestos -Mesothelioma Arsenic- Skin,lung.liver Benzene Leukemia Benzidine Urinary bladder Beryllium Lung Cadmium Lung Chromium Nasal sinus,lung Ethylene oxide Leukemia Ionizing radiation Skin,thyroid,lung Nickel Nasal sinus, lung Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Skin,scrotum,lung Radon Lung Silica Lung Vinyl chloride Liver Wood dust Nasal sinus