Tenders received after the specified time of opening are called as
Late Tenders
The minimum notice period for inviting Limited / Special Limited Tenders
14 days
The check exercised by the railway accounts office on financial transactions is called
Internal Check
Form is used for Major Penalty
SF 5
Encashment of LAP up to days shall not exceed in an entire career
A work carried out with Non-Railway Funds
Deposit work
Percentage of contingencies to be provided in all detailed estimates
Tender committee and Accepting authority for single tenders should be
One step above normal tenders
The full form of RRSK is
Rashtriya Rail Sanrakshakosh
Accounting heads operated temporarily for specific purposes before booking to final heads
are called
Suspense heads
Integrated Payroll and Accounting System
Two packet system of tendering means
Submitting the tender
documents separately for technical and financial bids
Two packet system of tendering means
Submitting the tender
documents separately for technical and financial bids
Permission granted for limited use of railway land is called
Wayleave facility
Permission granted for limited use of railway land is called
Wayleave facility
Administrative approval of competent authority for incurring expenditure is accorded at this
Abstract Estimate
What is the full form of IRPSM
Indian Railway Project Sanction and Management
GeM refers to
Government e-marketplace
Child Care Leave for a female employee can be given up to ___days
A railway servant while in service can encash LAP up to ____ days at a time
What are Demands for Grants
Provision of expenditure from Consolidated Fund
Merger of Rail Budget with Union Budget was done in
Primary Unit refers to
Object of expenditure
An item of work connected with the main work can be added to the estimate through
Supplementary Estimate
Maximum EMD is
Rs.1 crore
Encashment is given at the time of retirement for
AAC is for
A female Government servant with less than 02 children may be granted maternity leave for
Maximum of the paternity leave is__days and shall be availed within_months
Period of Study Leave for the technical course shall be granted to Rly servants is.
24 months
As per the Hours of Employment Rule employees are classified into a number of categories.
The maximum amount of Pension that can be commuted is.
40% of pension
Pensioner would be entitled to restore his commuted pension after the expiry of years
Railway Servants with a minimum of —-of qualifying service are entitled to Voluntary
Retirement, by giving three months’ advance notice.
20 years
The amount of Fixed Medical Allowance is paid to the opted pensioner/ Family Pensioner
per month w.e.f. 01.07.2017
The estimated life of a rail is
30 years
The dividend payable by Indian Railways after the merger of Railway Budget with General
Budget is
Payments under NPS are now booked to which Abstract and Sub Head?
Miscellaneous receipts are shown against which Major head?
Monetary limit of direct acceptance without Tender committee in open e-tendering
Up to Rs. 50 lakhs
Who is the sanctioning authority for 100% excess due to escalation?
Line capacity means
No. of trains per day in a path