pcm 2 Flashcards
Double blind study means
both observer & person or group being observed is blind about the study
Hospital acquired infection of surgical wound is mostly by
Serial interval means
difference between primary case & secondary cases
Hospital based study is
Cross over study
Herd immunity is seen in
Herd immunity is not seen in
Vaccine most commonly associated with allergic reaction & shock
contraindicated in pregnancy
All Live vaccines & meningococcal
BCG sholud be given
immediately after birth
Hepatitis B vaccine should be given as
0,1,6 months
Total dose of vit A given under national immun. Shcedule
9 lacIU
Post exposure Rabies vac schedule
BCG/H.influenza/yellow fever is diluted in
Normal saline
Measles/MMR vaccine is diluted with
Distilled water/sterile water
Vitamin A should be given at the age of -
6-9 months
Rabies vaccine is prepared from
Fixed virus
Anti sera is obtained from
Antisera are native sera or preparations from native sera containing specific immunoglobulin that have prophylactic or therapeutic action when injected into persons exposed to or suffering from a disease caused by a specific micro-organism.
First immunization of the Baby
Administration of which vaccine can result in paralysis in children
Sabin polio vaccine
What vaccines are given to a new-born
OPV, BCG and
Hepatitis B
Leprosy commonly spreads by
Yellow fever vaccination starts protection after how many days of injection
10 days
Ring vaccination is
given around 100 yards of a case detected
What vaccines are given to a pregnant woman?
Only Tetanus Toxoid (TT) vaccine is given to a pregnant woman.
A single vaccine provides protection to children against five serious diseases viz.
Diphtheria, Pertussis,
Tetanus, Haemophilus Influenza Type B infections (leading to
pneumonia and brain fever) and Hepatitis B.
Three doses of this
vaccine are given to the child at 6, 10, 14 weeks
Gap between two live vaccines
4 weeks
BCG is given -
Intra dermal
Best way to sterilise glass syringes is
Hot air
Cold sterilization is done by
Ionizing radiation
Surgical blades are best sterilised by
Fibre optic scopes are sterilised by
True positive rate of a screening test is
1- false negative
Test used for screening cases of tuberculosis in India
sputum smear examination
Sensitivity of a screening test is
true positive
Screening test preferred for T2DM in India
Fasting blood sugar
Confirmatory test for Tuberculosis in India
AFB in sputum
True negatives are detected by
High false positive cases signify that disease has
high incidence & low prevalence
False negative means
person has disease but shows negative test result
High false positive in a test is due to
high sensitivity
Positive predict value of a test depends upon
prevalence of disease
AD syringes?
Auto Disabled syringes
plastic syringes introduced in UIP for administering
injectable vaccines. Once used, these syringes
get locked. This avoids reuse or misuse of used
syringes and ensures prevention of transmission
of infections from one child or pregnant woman
to another.
Acc. To WHO blindness is inability to count fingers at a distance
3 metres
Chinese letter arrangement of bacilli under microscope
cornybacterium diptheriae
Best specimen for diagnosis of rabies in living person
biopsy of skin follicles on neck
Koplik spots r seen in
Negri bodies/Hydrophobia is seen in
Bull neck appearance is seen in
Subacute sclerosing pan encephalitis is a complication of
Kala azar is transmitted by
sand fly
Perinatal transmission of Hepatitis B is max in
3rd trimester
For dengue diagnosis,no.of petechial spots per squarer inch in cubital fossa is
> 20
MC oppurtunistic infection in AIDS is
pneumocystis carnii pneumonia
DOC for a pregnant lady with cerebral malaria
Reservoir for chickun guinya
MC site for Hydatid cyst in human body is
right postero superior lobe of liver
Best indicator of HIV progression in body is -
CD4:CD8 ratio
Dose of rabies immunoglobulin is
20 IU/kg body weight
Cyclops are found in the life cycle of
Chandler’s index is used for
Hook worm
Vector for dengue fever is
Major side effect of streptomycin
Major side effect of rifampicin -
Major side effect of ethambutol
colour blindness/optic neuritis
Vitamin A defeciency
Night blindness
Enteric fever is caused by
Salmonella typhi
MC cause of blindness in India
DOC for cholera in Adults
Typhoid ulcer perforates in
3rd week
Virus causing rabies in man
street virus
Q-fever is caused by
coxiella burnetti
Tick transmits
Rocky mountain spotted fever
Poliomyelitis is transmitted by
Faecal oral route
MC cancer world wide is
Lung cancer
Certificate of yellow fever is valid for duration of
10 yrs
Surgery/Antibiotics/Face washing/Environmental improvment
Which of the following hepatitis is associated with higher mortality in pregnancy
Hepatitis E
Reservoir for measles
Man / Incubation period - 10 days
Koplik spots appear in -
Prodromal stage in measles
MC complication of Mumps in children
Aseptic meningitis
Diptheria carrier r diagnosed by
throat culture
Schick test indicates
carrier for - diptheria
Treatment for pertussis children
prophylactic antibiotic for 10 days
Child with pertussis should be isolated for
3-4 weeks
Chemoprophylaxis for meningococcal meningitis
In TB a case is
sputum positive
Polio is due to
The composition of the new, reduced osmolarity ORS
Sodium chloride—2.6 g
Glucose (anhydrous)—13.5 g
Potassium chloride—1.5 g
Trisodium citrate dehydrate—2.9 g
(Total weight of a packet = 20.5 g)
Typhoid oral vaccine is given
1,3,5 days
DOC for cholera chemoprophylaxis
Guinea worm infestation is common in workers of
step wells
Reduced Osmolarity ORS solutions
concentration /mmol/liter
sodium 75 glucose 75 Chloride:65 Pottasium-20 Citrate:10 total osmolarity to 245 mOsm/l A mmol is one-thousandth of a mole. mEq is one-thousandth of an equivalent
Infective period of dengue fever
10-20 days
Malaria s transmitted by
Female Anopheles stephensi(urban malaria),anopheles dirus
Malarial parasite in India are
Anti malaria month
Causative organism of Malaria
Vector for transmission of Bancroftian filaria
Culex fatigans
Clinical incubation period of Filariasis is
8 - 16 months