pcm 4 Flashcards
Protein requirement
Most important essential fatty acid
linoleic acid
Richest source of Vit .A/D
Halibut liver oil
Richest source of vit.cRichest source of vit.c
Adult pregnant female are anemic if
Hb is less than 11gm%
Optimum level of fluorine intake is
IQ = mental age/chronological age x 100
Residual level of chlorine in water
Water seal in sanitary latrine is
2 cms
MC occupational cancer
Skin cancer
Census takes place every
10 yrs
1 PHC is for
1 PHC is for a population of 30,000
8th day disease
Tetanus neonaturum
Milk is poor in
Vitamin C & iron
niacin defeciency
Anophles larva rest parallel
Anophles larva rest parallel to under surface of water
Aedes larvae breed in
Aedes larvae breed in artificial collection of water
Multi purpose workers where introduced by
kartar singh commitee
Bhore commitee
Failure rate of condom
2-14 per HWY
Sex ratio is calculated as
no.of females/no.of males x 1000
Crude death rate is
Crude death rate is - no.of deaths / total mid year population x 1000
Sex ratio of india is
Growth rate of India (annual) is
Total fertility rate is
completed family size
Eligible couple is
married couple with wife in reproductive age group
WHO defines adolescenes as between
10-19 yrs age
A disease occuring before the age 65 yrs is
In which stage of the demographic cycle is India currently
Late expanding
Denominator in crude death & crude birth rate -
Mid year population
Measured in pearl index is
No.of accidental gestations
Oligospermia,according to WHO is
< 20 million sperms per HPF
Example for conventional contraception
Natural method of contraception include
rhythm method/coitus interuptus/ breastfeeding/calendar method/billing method/symptothermic method/basal body temperature
Absence of sperm is
MC side effect of IUD insertion
Temporary contraceptive method of choice in 37yr well educated woman
Conventional contraceptives are those which
require action at time of intercourse
OCP protect against
Fibroadenoma breast,iron deficiency anemia,ovarian ca
Side effects of OCP
liver disease,breast cancer,thromboembolism
Pearl index is normally used for studying
effectiveness of contraceptive
Pearl index is used to evaluate
contraceptive methods
Natural method of contraception is most effective
Symptothermic method
Barrier methods
Diaphragm/Foam tablets/ vaginal sponge
Spermicide used in the contraceptive
9- nonoxynol
Copper - T is preferably inserted postnatal,after
8 weeks
CU T 380 A IUCD should be replaced
every 10 yrs
Nova T has
Silver core
Absolute contraindication of IUCD is
Serious complication of oral contraceptives
Leg vein thrombosis
Mala - N - norethisterone
1mg/ethinyl estradiol -30mcg
Side effect of Mini pill
irregular bleeding, depression
Mini pill contains
only progesterone in small quantity
Post coital contraceptives
Most cost effective contraceptive is
Breast feeding must be initiated within after normal delivery
normal delivery 1 hour,LSCS -4 hrs
Current recomendation for initiating breast feed
as early as possible
School health examination must be done every
6 months
Recommended door&windows area in a class must be
According to protocol for uncomplicated pregnancy no.of minimum visits must be
According to protocol for uncomplicated pregnancy ideal visits must be
Content of pediatric iron folic acid
iron-20mg,folic acid-100mcg
MCC of neonatal meningitis in India
Group B streptococcus
Low birth weight in India defined as
birth weight less than 2500 grams
Weight of new born triples at the age of
1 yr
Assessment of malnutrition is done by
mid arm circumference,BMI,wgt for age
Nutritional status of a child is assessed by
Mid arm circumference
Post term pregnancy
> 42 weeks period of gestation
Breast feeding is contraindicated in
Open TB
Height of newborn doubles at
4 yrs
Which immunoglobulin is present in Breast milk
Ig A
MCC of neonatal mortality in India
Low birth weight & prematurity
MC Maternal mortality in India
Normal requirement of Iron during pregnancy is
38 mg/day
Guthrie test is done in neonates for mass screening of
Amount of caloreis & proteins received by a preg woman frm anganwadi worker
500cals,25gm protein
After birth,care of eye of newborn is by
AgNo3 eye drop
Additional daily energy requirement during 1st 6 mon for a lactating woman is
Preterm babies
born before 37 weeks
Folic acid supplementation during lactation period
Elemental iron supplementation in Iron defeciency anemia
Osteomalacia in pregnancy &lactation is best treated by
Vit D & calcium
Daily need of calories in pregnancy is
2500 Kcal
Postnatal period extends for
6 weeks
Perinatal mortality rate includes death in 28 weeks to 1st week after birth
Still birth
1000grams baby weight
Denominator of maternal mortality rate
1000 live birth
Commonest cause of perinatal mortality in iIndia
WHO referance growth chart lower curve
3rd percentile
Upperline in growth chart is
50th percentile
Best parameter for assessment for chronic malnutrition
Height for age
Mid arm circumference is constant during
1-5 yrs
Population to anganwadi centre
1000MTP is allowed upto 20 weeks
Pasteurization of milk is determined by
phosphatase test
Pellagra & casal’s necklace is seen in
defeciency of Vit B3 niacin
Iron tablets should never be given along with
Dose of vitamin A prophylaxis required by a 9 month old child
1,00,000 IU
Daily total requirement of iodine by an adult
150 mcg
Anti oxidant vitamins include
vit A,C,E
Calories in 100 ml breast milk
75 Kcal