pcm 1 Flashcards
Total iron requirement in pregnancy
Increased requirement of calories in lactating mother
500 - 600 cal/day
Most common cause of maternal mortality in India is
Egg protein quality is - 100% /Highest quality of protein
Highest quantity of protein
Soya bean 43%
Daily protein requirement
Most repeated value is known as
Sum of all values divided by No. Of values
Middle value or average of the 2 most middle values
Age at which a person is considered as dependent is
Age below 15 & above 65
BMI -18-24
Human development index includes
life expectancy at Birth
income index
Incubation period of yellow fever is
2-6 days
Disease notifiable to WHO is
Yellow fever
Infective period of chicken pox is
2 days prior &
5 days after appearance of rash
Small pox was eradicated in
May 1980
Recently eliminated from India
Yaws 2016
leprosy 2005,
Guinea worm (Dracunculosis)
Indicator of socio economic development
Infant mortality rate
Sentinel surveilance is used to assess
Hidden/missing cases
Most Important function of sentinel surveilance is
find total amount of disease in a
Chronic carrier state is seen in -
Typhoid Hep.B Dysentry Meningitis Malaria Gonorhea
Sullivan index provides
Life expectancy minus probable duration of bed disability & inability to perform major activities
Severity of the disease best assessed by
case fatality rate
Sullivan index is the measure of
Disability rate
Killing power of a disease is
case fatality rate
Attack rate is
Incidence of the disease
Surveillance is
continuous scrutiny of factors affecting a disease
Physical quality of life index(PQLI)includes-
Literacy rate
Life exp at age1 yr
MC Neonatal disorder to be screened is
Neonatal hypothyroidism
Person cannot perform daily life activities which is to be normal for his age
Anatomical structural or functional loss
Loss of social role suppose to play in society
any abnormal condition of an organism that impairs function
Correct sequence
Obesity is measured in terms of BMI
weight in kg/height in metre2
under weight
Silent epidemic of century
Alzheimers disease
Koplik spots-
incubation period-10-14 days.
Direct contact and through the air.
RNA paramyxovirus.
MC complication of measles
more common in children under the age of 5, or adults over the age of 30.
from 4 days prior to the onset of the rash to 4 days after the rash erupts.(45)
Otitis media
least Complication-SSPE
Incubation period of measles
10 days
Respirable dust responsible for pneumoconiosis has a size limit of
<5 microns
occupational lung disease -inhalation of dust particles <5 microns
causing fibrosis of lung tissue
MC pneumoconiosis in India
MC lung Ca in pneumoconiosis
Mid day meals should provide -
1/3 calories & 1/2 proteins
Which is doesn’t multiply but completes its developmental cycle in the host
Amplifier host of Japanese encephalitis/KFD
Host for chicken guniya
Exclusive breast feeding recommended in India upto
6 months
Disinfecting action of chlorine on water in mainly due to
Hypochlorus acid
Disease occurring before the age of 65 yrs
Pre senile
Sensitivity is measured by
True positive
Sensitivity is the ability of a test to correctly identify those patients with the disease. It is also known as the True Positive Rate (TPR)
Specificity is measured by
True negative
ability of a clinical test to correctly identify those patients without the disease. It is also known as the True Negative Rate (TNR),
Best method for prevention of infection by medical professional in a hospital setup
Hand washing
FAST questionnaire is used to diagnose
Programme designed for the benefit for pregnant woman & infant
Janani suraksha yojna
Best indicator of socio economic development of a country is
MCC of Infant mortality rate(IMR) in India
Low birth weight & prematurity
Health assistant should visit to subcenters once in
every week
Who will prepare malarial parasite smear slide
Health assistant(male)
Chandler’s index is used for -
Hook worm - Ankylostoma duodenale -
no.of hookworm eggs per gram of stool - 250 eggs is dangerous
Socially attained behaviour is
For determination of socio economic status of Urban population
modified kUppUsamy scale
Human development index(HDI)
Value ranges bet 0-1
Life expectancy at birth
Literacy rate.
Income per capital
Income -INDEX
Prevention of risk factor development of CAD
Primordial level of prevention
Patient is made to walk early after surgery.
this is an example of
Endemic of a disease means
is constantly present in population
Bhopal gas tragedy is
single exposure point source epidemic
Most important function of sentinel surveilance
to find total amount of disease in a
Modified kuppusamy scale
education status of head of family
occupation status of head of family
income per capita per month.
Case fatality rate
total no.of deaths due to a disease x 100
divided by total no.of cases due to a disease
Epidemiological triad are -
Host/environmental factors/agent
When a child lost in hands & unable to do routine works called as
Natural history of disease is studied by
Longitudinal study
Disease elimination means
preventing the transmission chain
Leprosy is considered a public health problem if the prevalence of leprosy
more than 1 per 10,000 population at the world level.
In India which disease is near to eradication
Iodine salt supplementation is
Specific protection
Water borne disease
Chemoprophylaxis is prevention of
Surveilance is
Scrutiny of factors
Morbidity is measured by
Active surveilance
ethambutol 400mg
Serial interval is
Time gap between primary & secondary case
Hypothesis is a
variable to be tested
Case fatality rate is a method measuring
A graph shows uniform curve i no secondary curves
pointed epidemic
Rapid rise & fall in epidemic curve without any secondary waves is seen in
point source epidemic
Case control study is a type of
Analytical study
Recall bias is most commonly associated i which study
case control study
Incidence rate is measured by
cohort study
Incidence rate is calculated by
prospective study
Incidence rate is defined as
No.of new cases of a disease in a community
Relative risk is -
incidence of disease among exposed
incidence of disease among non-exposed
Relative risk is calculated by
cohort studies
Prevalence is a
Proportion & calculated by -cross sectional study
Odd’s ratio is calculated by
case control study
Odd’s ratio is derived from /estimate of
relative risk
Study of alcohol intake for 10 yrs & occurring of hepatic disease type of study
BMI -25-29 .
Pre obese/gr-1
BMI 35-39
All children diagnosed with measles should receive
2 doses of vitamin A supplements, given 24 hours apart.
This treatment restores low vitamin A levels during measles that occur even in well-nourished children and can help prevent eye damage and blindness. Vitamin A supplements have also been shown to reduce the number of measles deaths.