PC-M of Hand Jue Yin Flashcards
conditions of HT, chest, ST, mental disorders and diseases in area meridian supplies
sign and symptoms
swelling in axilla, spasm in elbow and arm, feverish sensation in palms
- originates at chest
- goes down to diaphragm to connect to TE, resurfaces at 4th intercostal space, 5 cun lateral from midline at Tianchi (PC1) then enters axilla
- then goes up medial aspect of upper arm along biceps brachii to cubital crease on ulnar side of Biceps brachii tendon
- continues down forearm b/t palmaris longus and FCR tendons, passes through palm
- internally from PC8 in palm and connects with TE meridian at ulnar side of ring finger
- terminates at radial side of middle finger
luo connecting meridian
longitudinal - follows primary meridian to Danzhong (CV17) then penetrates thorax and connects with HT and PC
transverse - PC luo pt Neiguan (PC6) to TE Yuan pt TE4
divergent meridian
splits from PC1, goes to thoracic cavity, reaching the TE divergent, another branch goes up throat to meet hand Shaoyang meridian at 5th confluence TE16
muscle region
begins at tip of middle finger and connects with LU muscle region at elbow, ascends the anteromedial aspect of upepr arm and goes to axilla and ribs
branch enters chest, below axilla dispersing at chest and diaphagm