LU-M of Hand Tai Yin Flashcards
conditions of throat, chest, LU, LI and area meridian supplies.
Symptoms and signs
distension, fullness of chest, congested sore throat, pain in supra-clavicular fossa and anterior aspect of medial arm, cold/pain in shoulder and neck
Main pathway
- originates at MJ
- internally connects with LI then back up to ST and through diaphragm, spreads over chest, ascends along trachea to throat and crosses to lateral side of chest
- emerges at LU 1 at 1st inter-costal space, 6 cun lateral from midline. Continues to LU2.
- travels down anterolateral aspect of upper arm to cubital crease radial to tendon of biceps brachii
- along anterior border of radial side of forearm to LU7 near styloid process of radius
- passes radial pulse to thenar eminence
- terminates at radial side of thumb nail
- internal connects LU7 to LI-M at radial side of index finger
Luo connecting meridian
Longitudinal - follows LU-M into palm and spreads through thenar eminence
Transverse - from luo pt of LU-M Lieque (LU7). connects to Yuan pt of LI-M Hegu (LI4)
Divergent meridian
starts from axilla
travels to Yuanye (GB22) before entering chest, LU, LI
continues up to Quepen (ST12) at supra-clavicular fossa
emerge with divergent of LI-M at 6th confluence Futu (LI18)
Muscle region
starts at thumb, spreads to thenar eminence and lateral side of radial pulse
continues up forearm to elbow, upper arm, axilla and Quepen (ST12)
spreads down to chest and diaphragm, merges with muscle region of PC-M of hand Jue-Yin before going to hypochondriac region
*Zhongfu (LU1) - middle palace
latero-superior to sternum at level of 1st intercostal space, 6 cun lateral to midline
Front-Mu of LU, connects internally with SP
F: disperse LU Qi+stop cough+transform+clear heat from UJ, descend ST Qi
I: cough, distension + fullness in LU+abd, in chest, shoulder+back, oedema and numbness of throat
*Chize (LU5) - cubit marsh
cubital crease, radial to tendon of biceps brachii
He-Sea pt of LU-M
F: clear LU fire+heat, descend+disperse LU Qi, calm mind+stop pain
I:haemoptysis, tidal fever, congested and sore throat, spasmodic pain in elbow and arm due to heat consume BL+BF, cough, asthmatic breathing, distension and fullness in chest
*Kongzui (LU6) - supreme hole
on line linking Taiyuan (LU9) and Chize (LU5), 7 cun above transverse crease of wrist
Xi-cleft pt of LU
F: regulate LU Qi, clear heat+stop bleeding, resolve exterior PF
I: cough, asthmatic breathing, haemopysis, congested sore throat, spasmodic pain in elbow+arm, epistaxis, haemorrhoids
*Lieque (LU7) - broken sequence
proximal to styloid process of wrist, 1.5cun above transverse crease of wrist b/t tendon of abductor pollicus longus and absuctor pollicus brevis
Luo pt of LU, Master pt of Ren, coupled pt of Yin Qiao Mai, connection to LI1 and LI4
F: disperse LU Qi, dispel wind cold/heat, clear throat+diaphragm, FF Qi of Ren-M
I: cough, asthmatic breathing, common cold, headache, rigid neck, congested sore throat with or without dry sensation, deviation of mouth+eye, toothache
*Taiyuan (LU9) - supreme abyss
radial end of transverse crease in depression at radial artery
shu-stream, yuan pt, influential pt of vessels
connects with LI6
F: clear heat+promote descending function of LU, regulate LU Qi, tonify LU(Yin and QI)+ transform PHL
I: cough, asthmatic breathing, pain in wrist+arm, haemoptysis, pain in chest, congested sore throat
*Yuji (LU10) - fish border
mid point of MTC1 at junction of red and white skin
Ying Spring pt
F: regulate LU Qi, clear heat+ benefit throat
I: haemoptysis, hoarseness of voice, fever, congested sore throat, cough with PHL
Shaoshang (LU11) -
radial side of thumb 0.1 cun beside corner of nail
Jing-Well pt
F: resuscitates spirit, regulate LU Qi, clear heat, clear throat
I: congested sore throat, epistaxis , fever, loss of consciousness, mania