Pathology of male genital tract Flashcards
scrotum - changes often with dermatitis elsewhere - eg chorioptic mange in rams
Scrotum + tunica vaginalis - neoplasia
varicose haemangioma - dog + boar. proliferation of blood vessels melanomas mast cell tumor - dog haemangiosarcoma - dog papilloma - boar
Tunica vaginalis
layer of mesothelium continuous with peritoneum - peritoneal disease can spread
hydrocoele in ascites
adhesions with epididymitis/orchitis or penetrating wounds
tumours are v.rare
testis + epididymis
developmental anomalies
intersex conditions
most cases are pseudohermaphrodites - external female genitalia with testes in place of ovaries
true hermaphroditism is rare - animals have 1 ovary and 1 testis or combined
usually unilateral
side depends on species
testis retained anywhere from kidney to inguinal canal
likely polygenic basis but also hormonal/environmental factors
cryptorchid testes tend to be small + fibrotic
interstitial collagen, only few spermatogonia
increased risk of tumour
testicular hypoplasia
all species congenital or pre-puberty often not seen until after puberty unilateral or bilateral small but normal in consistency incomplete or absent spermatogenesis with hypoplastic + normal tubules often intermingled
Testicular atrophy/degeneration
testes reduce in size after puberty
causes - inc scrotal temp, dec testicular blood supply, vit A or zinc deficiency, drug reaction, radiation
unilateral or bilateral
testes reduced in size + firm on palpation
micro changes similar to hypoplasia but include fibrosis + granuloma formation
multinucleate spermatids may be seen
causes: haematogenous - purulent, results in progressive fibrosis
trauma - mainy dogs due to bites + accompanied by periorchitis + epididimytis
reflux orchitis as extension of infl from epididymis, prostate, bladder or urethra - mixed infections
in severe can causes sterility
often spermatic granulomas
more common than orchitis esp. ram and dog
ascending infection from accessory sex glands + urogenital tract
initial enlargement with later abscess + granuloma formation
mostly unilateral
spermatic granuloma of epididymal head
some degree of testicular atrophy
most cases are mixed infections
infectious epididymitis - ram
haematogenously - e.g brucella ovis
swelling + spermatic granuloma formation esp. in tail of epididymitis
testicular neoplasia
most important in dogs
3 main types - interstitial, sertoli cell tumours, seminoma
mixed tumours share features of more than 1 type
interstitial cell tumours
occur commonly in dogs over 8 y/o
single or multiple spherical, well demarcated, tan-orange greasy or haemorrhagic mass which bulge on cut surface
don’t causes enlargement of testes - replaces existing tissue
biopsy reveals polyhedral cells
most are benign
some secrete hormones - causes aggression
sertoli cell tumour
occur in dogs over 6 y/o
50% in cryptorchid testes
unilateral, firm lobulated discrete mass
testicular enlargement
on cut surface, colour varies from white to brown, is often fibrous + may have cysts
microscopy reveal sertoli cells multilayered within tubules or invading interstitial tissue
metastasis in 10% of cases - to scrotal LN
25% secrete oestogen
sertoli cell tumour + feminisation
some make oestrogen, many inhibin female distribution of fat attractive to other male dogs mammary swelling pendulous sheath symmetrical alopecia + thinning of skin atrophy of other testis squamous metaplasia of prostate gland behavioural changes anaemia due to depression of bone marrow
derived from spermatogonia dogs over 7 y/o usually unilateral + single may cause swelling and pain soft cream mass, bulges on cut section sheets of polyhedral cells with large nucleus + thin rim of cytoplasm mitoses common in some tumours local invasiveness most are benign cann occur in retained testes
mostly horses,usually young
tumour from all 3 germ cell layers
quite large + are admixture of solid + cystic areas
mixture of skin, bone, teeth, glands, muscle + cartilage - most have nervous tissue + fat
most are benign
inflammation of spermatic cord seen following open castration common in pigs generally acute and necrotising horses - 'scirrhous cord' after open castrate. lots og granulation tissue in affected cord. open weeping. caused by staph. and strep.
pathology of accessory sex glands
infl of seminal vesicles + bulbourethral glands occurs mostly in bulls + rams
chronic interstitial infl
metaplasia common
pathology of prostate gland - hyperplasia
older entire dogs
commonly causes constipation + can cause urinary stasis
enlarged gland
papillary proliferation of glandular tissue
castration causes atrophy
pathology of prostate gland - metaplasia
change of glandular epithelium to squamous
dog with sertoli cell tumours + predisposes to inflammation
cattle/sheep associated with oestrogenic implants + ingestion of phytoestogens
squamous metaplasia also occurs in bulbourethral glands of wethers
pathology of prostate gland - prostitis
not uncommon in dogs
in older dogs often together with hyperplasia
usually due to coliforms, strep., staph., that invade prstatic urethra
asymmetrically englarged and may have abscesses
untreated may develop peritonitis or septicaemia/taxaemia
chronic cases may be subclinical
pathology of prostate gland - neoplasia
carcinoma in dogs
may occur in hyperplastic gland
grossly the gland is asymmetrically enlarged
multiple layers of haphazardly arranged glandular cells invading the interstitium of the gland and often causing marked fibrosis
80% have spread by time of discovery
pathology of penis and prepuce
tritrichomonas foetus - infertility/early embryonic death/abortion/pyometra in female cow
camplylobacter foetus ssp veneralis - infertility/early embryonic death/abortion in female cow
pathology of penis and prepuce - anomalies
hypoplasia in early castration + intersex states
directional deviations in various species
persistent frenula esp. bulls + boars
hypospadia/epispadia - abnormal opening of urethra
pathology of penis and prepuce - inflammation
glans penis - balanitis
prepuce - posthitis
generally occur together - blanoposthitis
herpesvirus are a cause
pathology of penis and prepuce - bacteria
sheep - ulecerative prosthitis - corynebacterium renale. predisposed by hypoplasia of penis/prepuce, urinary soiling + high planes of nutrition. yellowish discolouration + ulceration. if severe may slough. secondary infection common
pathology of penis and prepuce - parsites
cutaneous habronemiasis in horses: exuberant granulation following deposition of larvae in this region
pathology of penis and prepuce - neoplasia
squamous cell carcinoma: v important in horses (can occur in other species)
associated with novel papillomavirus
cauliflower like - variable size
malignant squamous cell epithelium forming keratin
usually low-grade malignancy - distant malignancy rare
will recur if incompletely removed
problems relate to ulcers + 2ndary infection
fibropapilloma of the penis
occurs on glans penis - 1-2 y/o bulls benign but may be large/multiple caused by bovine papillomavirus regresses with age complications can involve 2ndary infection or penile obstruction
transmissible venereal tumour
rare in dogs in the UK
principally on caudal portion of penis
seen also on skin at site of wounds
histiocytic origin with 59 instead of 78 chromosomes
variable size, cauliflower like
problems relate to ulcers + 2ndary infection
metastasis rare + regression often occurs