pasteruellaceae Flashcards
genera within pasteurellaceae family
- pasteurella, mannheimia, bibersteinia
- actinobacillus
- haemophilus, histophilus, glasserella, avibacterium
other genera with similiar features to pasteurellaceae
- ornithobacterium
- riemerella
- taylorella
pasteurella genus habitat
- commensals on mucus membranes of upper resp tract of animals
- oral cavity of dog and cat
- survival in enviro fairly short
pasteurella morphology
small coccoid rods, have a capsule and fimbria, no flagella
pasteurella gram staining
does pasteurella have bipolar staining
yes - giemsa method
pasteurella are they fastidious
yes, they need media supplemented with blood or serum
p multocida colony characteristics
round, greyish, shiny, mucoid and non haemolytic, characteristic odour
M haemolytica, B trehalosi are they haemolytic
which species can tolerate the bile salts of macconkey agar
m haemolytics, b trehalosi, p aerogenes
pasteurella catalase
pasteurella oxidase
pasteurella OF
which species produce cytotoxins
P multocida, M haemolytica
P multocida subspecies
- multocida
- septica
- gallicida
M haemolytica growth on macconkey
M haemolytica acid from lactose
B multocida indole production
B multocida characteristic odour
M haemolytica indole production
M haemolytica characteristic odour
M haemolytica capsule antigens
B trehalosi capsule antigens
P multocida capsule antigens
a, b, c, d, e and f
pasteurella resistance
weak, they usually remain viable for only a few days on culture plates
pasteurella pathogenicity
faculative pathogenic
P multocida type A, D disease cattle
pnuemonia, mastitis
P multocide type A,D disease sheep
pneumonia, mastitis
P multocida type a,d disease pig
pneumonia, swine atrophic rhinitis
P multocida type a,d disease poultry
fowl cholera
P multocida type a,d disease rabbit
septicaemia, pneumonia
P multocida type b,e disease cattle and buffalos
haemorrhagic septicaemia
M haemolytica disease cattle
bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis
M haemolytica disease sheep, goat
septicaemia, pneumonia, mastitis, arthritis
B trehalosi disease sheep and goat
acute systemic pasteurellosis
P aerogenes disease
swine alimentary tract, abortion
P pneumotropica disease rodents
upper resp tract
P pneumotropica disease dog and cat
oral cavity, bite wound abscess
P canis, P dagmatis, P stomattis dogs and cats disease
oral cavity and resp tract, bite wound abscess
P caballi disease horses
upper resp tract
P avium, P gallinarum poultry
upper resp tract
actinobacillus habitat
-commensals on mucus membranes of animals
actinobacillus survival in environment
cannot survive for long
most important species of actinobacillus genus
- a lignieresii
- a equuli
- a suis
- a seminis
- a ureae
- a pleuropneumoniae
A lignieresii habitat
cattle, sheep oral cavity and rumen
A lignieresii morphology
1-1.2microm rods, filaments, suphur granules
A lignieresii gram staining
A lignieresii bipolar staining
A lignieresii catalase
A lignieresii oxidase
A lignieresii OF
A lignieresii resistance
A lignieresii pathogenicity
cattle, sheep, pig actinobacillosis
actinobacillosis lesions locations
tongue, lymph nodes, ruminal wall, skin
A equuli habitat
horse, pig oral cavity, intestine, tonsilla, resp way
A equuli morphology
1-2microm rods, filaments, no flagella